Day 249 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - All the Meditation...

Photo by Samuel Austin on Unsplash

Lesson 249: All the Meditation...

All the meditation, all the yoga, all the renunciation in the world will not allow you to reach spiritual awakening. It happens in the heart. It’s the only way to get there; nothing else can do this for you.
— Sara Wiseman

Our spiritual awakening happens in our heart. I think that’s very powerful. It’s not in the mind or thought. It’s an opening of the heart. With being in the current passage of the heart of connection, we are urged to open it more. By going through the passage of pain and compassion, we can definitely learn and now it’s about allowing connection to happen.

I believe connection has to start with self. It’s about how you understand yourself and what your truth is. Once you go on this self journey of discovery, it allows for connection to other beings as well as the Universe (or God, deity etc that you believe in). To me, a spiritual awakening is like that piece of the puzzle that was lost and it just fits you. It allows you to understand how you are part of a collective One and how you can contribute your energy to that One. There is so much potential and possibility by opening your heart. There is also a knowing that everything will be okay. No matter how bad it gets, I just know that I’m going to be okay. I don’t know how and why, it’s just this knowing that I can’t explain. It’s essentially faith.

Can you open your heart today? if you can’t, why not? What could go wrong by being open?

Day 103 - A Year of Spirituality - Cracking Open

Photo by Faye Cornish on Unsplash

Photo by Faye Cornish on Unsplash

Lesson 103: This Cracking Open Into the Heart of Compassion...

Today is all about holding compassion for yourself for 5 minutes. I think everyone can do this. Think about a mistake you made or if you had a bad thought and just hold compassion. Doesn’t take long. Everyone has 5 minutes right? Don’t consider yourself unworthy but trust in the Divine. Let the healing come to you because you deserve it as much as the next person! Allow your heart to be open and let it in.

I decided to hold compassion for myself for some dumb weird thoughts I had. I think as humans we have some real messed up thoughts just based on our surroundings, conditioning and influences. Sometimes we need to challenge those thoughts really. Anyway, I imagine white light filling me. There is a hand on my shoulder indicating that it’s okay to mess up sometimes. And I just think about the light healing me so I can move forward.

How did you go with compassion for self?

Day 64 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Heart of Hearts Illuminated

Photo by on Unsplash

Lesson 64: When the heart of hearts is illuminated...

When we start to let the Divine Light in, we definitely see things starting to unfold in our lives. We can start to think, feel and sense differently. Today is about imagining just a touch of Divine Light coming into our hearts. Closing our eyes and seeing that light enter our hearts as well as the Ananda Kanda. Just feeling whatever comes.

I know I have done this exercise not along ago but I still enjoy it. I closed my eyes and immediately the light was shining upon me spinning around me from above like a fan. I could see light being circled around, exactly as if it was light passing through a fan. It was different. I imagined my chest opening and having this light come in. It was like my chest and ribs opened like doors to accept this light. I felt very much in motion as this light came to offer me some peace. When I opened my eyes, it was like I was fresh again. Love that feeling. Such a good exercise to perform. Feel a bit of the light today, it’s most enjoyable.

Day 60 - A Year to Spiritual Awakening - In The Heart of Pain

Lesson 60: In the heart of pain...

Today’s lesson is about the first passage of the heart – pain. We all experience pain in one form or another. When we are awake to our own pain and that of others, this is said to be the first step to “opening, awakening and becoming a conscious being”. The question is posed, would you rather remain stuck in pain that currently resides in your reality or would you rather face it? It’s really a choice that is up to us. We have the power of choice.

I must admit, as a teenager and a young woman in her twenties, I really remained stuck in my pain. I thought there was hope in the love of the partner that I had, but I really just pushed the pain down and never dealt with it. There was so much pain that started from a young age, expanded as a teenager and then really was ignored in my twenties. I also found a lot of the pain in my twenties was also amplified during and after that relationship. It wasn’t a good time. I had mental and emotional abuse of a father and then a relationship where my partner moulded me into someone I wasn’t, in which I lost myself along the way. In this relationship, I never had any confidence either, which I believe a relationship should do. Then from there, I’ve had some unfortunate events that just compounded a jaded view of some bad luck following me.

I think for me, I tried to live more positively but how long could I put a face on without really dealing with my issues? I realise now that I’m in my thirties, that all that pain doesn’t do much for you if you just wallow in it. Really holding onto those emotions has a flow on effect into your life, which doesn’t do you any good. It’s why I’m doing this course and my clearing course, because I find once I release everything, and I really do mean EVERYTHING, there will be so much of a weight lifted.

Day 59 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - There are Four Passages

Photo by Jessica Ruscello on Unsplash

Lesson 59: There are four passages..

Today is focused on our hearts and that four passages exist within our heart. Those four passages are “pain, compassion, connection and love”. Each of these passages free flow into the next and when I look at this, it’s never ending and infinite.

Today’s exercise is to focus on the pain aspect of these four passages. The question posed is “Does the passage into pain sound like it will hurt?”. There is reassurance that it will not and it will be a relief to release all the pain.



I personally feel like pain does hurt. I think it’s good to experience it because you know how to handle it if another instance were to occur. I think pain hurts in those instances that people have really wronged you especially when a trust is broken. I think it’s good to feel the pain, but not necessarily wallow in it forever. If we don’t go through the motions of pain, then it doesn’t build us to be stronger people when faced with it in another situation.

I know that relief does come with the release of pain. You definitely feel lighter, though I feel this only comes when you’ve dealt with those emotions and are ready to let go. We need to experience pain in order to gain insight for not only yourself but others. I think we can share advice only if we’ve got some basis that we’ve learned from. We’re better equipped for other experiences in pain by learning from our initial understanding.

Again, I’m not sure I agree with today’s lesson. Totally agree that release of pain gives relief but still believe pain hurts when I have been truly wronged. I guess it’s one of those subjects where you’re either for or against it.