Day 320 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Every Time You Exist in Love...

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Lesson 320: Every Time You Exist in Love...


… it opens avenues for you to get to love once again. Through practises such as meditation or prayer, you can have direct connection to the Divine and therefore hold highest vibration of love. This is something you have to do for yourself. No one can pray or meditate for you. The way you connect to the Divine is solely your connection. Today we are asked if we meditate or pray, and to know that this is the path to love.

I have never thought of prayer or meditation to be a path to love. I meditate on occasion but not often as I should. I think I can spare 5-10 minutes every day from this day forward to meditate to open myself up more and be more self-loving. I do pray every day. When I am in bed, I go over all the things that I am grateful and thankful for that occurred during the day. It is quite fulfilling doing this every day. I also send love out to others that need more help than I do. I am always thinking about those that have it tougher than myself, so I am always hoping that they get the love and support that they need, whoever they are. I didn’t know by having my own practises in this way that it’s a path for me to love. Does this mean if I meditate regularly that I can have a deeper connection to love? I guess I will find out.

Day 251 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - If You Are In the Midst of...

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

Lesson 251: If You Are In the Midst of...

When we are going through a spiritual awakening, it’s new and not always forthcoming. You can be roaming the world really feeling raw truth. As we open our hearts on the search for our truth, it can be overwhelming. Think about when it gets too much. Is there anything you do to protect yourself or do you take a break from the spiritual side? Today we are asked to simply merge with it all.

I’m not sure I would merge with all things spiritual.. just because it can be an overload. There are reasons why we take breaks, to rest and reset. Today’s lesson to ask us to just merge with it all, doesn’t necessarily sit well with me. You can absorb other people’s crap, you might suddenly go moody for no good reason, you might feel upset … and with all these emotions and feelings, what’s that going to achieve if we are just to embrace it all.

I do have moments like these in which I do not necessarily agree with what’s being taught. I like the idea of being open to possibility but to merge with everything when it can get too much, just doesn’t seem like a good idea. I think it’s wise to protect yourself when it comes to spirituality. There are some nasty things out there, so why wouldn’t you protect yourself? Anyway, I’m not about to do this lesson but if you have a good time merging with everything on a spiritual level, tell me how you go.

Day 250 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - If You Crack Your Heart Open...

Photo by Isaac Benhesed on Unsplash

Lesson 250: If You Crack Your Heart Open...

As we crack our hearts open, our outlook and life changes. You may start to make a new path for yourself and this path may not involve those around you. We grow into Oneness and others may not have their awakening until much later. You will start to let go of the old but realise you are ready to at the same time. Today we are to think about the things we are ready to leave behind… people, beliefs, values, thoughts…. Can you really shed it all off?

I have let go of so much and am still learning to fully let go. I have mentioned what I have let go of in previous posts and I’m not sure I want to entirely repeat it. What I will say is that being brought up in Western society is different if I was to be brought up in my family’s culture in Eastern society. I think I had a mix of the both which didn’t really sit well with me at the same time. I think what Western society did offer me was the freedom to truly think for myself. I know with my Asian family, there are limiting beliefs because they don’t choose to expose themselves to the wider world. I am in no way dissing their way of life, it’s more that their way of life does not resonate with me. It’s fine for them because they live it and are happy in it.

I am thankful that my parents decided to move us to Australia. Sure, it wasn’t always great being Asian in a predominant white community, and those times were tough, but I have seen the world evolve to be more inclusive and that’s amazing! I have actually done away with most of what I was taught as a child, just because I feel like it’s what my parents had offered in some form of guidance. As I’ve grown, I have learned and established my own rules in how I live my life. I feel lucky that I have this privilege. Not everyone has the freedom to speak their minds or mentioning a better way. It’s one of those things I wish for – that through our Oneness, we can all be at peace and no one has to suffer. If we can bring that energy about, it would be mind blowing! Maybe, one day!

Day 232 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Times We Most Easily Find Ourselves...

Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

Lesson 232: The Times We Most Easily Find Ourselves...

The times we most easily find ourselves as one of One are in times of great heart opening: the tantra of sex, birthing a baby, helping someone die, helping someone in tragedy. These are all times our hearts crack open, without fear.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think of a time where we opened beyond ourselves and tell of our experience in detail.

One beautiful moment I have was with an elephant in Thailand on my volunteer trip. I am not sure why I decided to go volunteer in an animal project but the ad came up on Facebook, I was going through a tough time and I needed something for just me. I was going to travel to a foreign country on my own and wasn’t sure how that would go. I took the plunge and if worse came to worse, I could always buy a ticket back home if I couldn’t find the tour guide in the airport. Let me tell you, it was pretty nerve racking going through Thai customs by myself.

I didn’t know what to expect as I had never done anything of a tour group nor did I ever do any international volunteering. We travelled to a town called Surin. It was a great to see community and the villagers all accommodating and friendly to us tourists. Part of the experience was to feed elephants, clean them, cut bamboo for more food, clean their poo and then any other activities the village needed. It was life changing to say the least. My moment of being open beyond myself was a touching moment I had with one of the elephants named Kaewtar.

We are properly warned to not walk in between elephants or get too close as they can crush you in excitement. It seems pretty obvious that they are gentle giants. One day in the river as we’re washing our elephants, I decided to throw caution to the wind and place my mind to Kaewtar’s mind. I am not even sure why I did it. I just wanted to feel a connection. I believed I communicated with her through my mind to hers. She did her elephant rumble and I felt the rattling in my head. I don’t even really remember what I said to her but one thing I know is that I wanted her to be happy. She was a beautiful soul and I hoped that we could exchange energy for a moment. It was such an unforgettable memory that I will always cherish. There is not many people that can say that wanted to connect minds with an elephant.

I wasn’t sure what my spiritual path was yet, but there was something that told me to connect with this elephant, so I did. I feel like this was part of my spiritual journey to expand myself to be more open. I’m glad for the experience as it changed me and my whole life experience. All I remember is that I wanted to be better in my life. I wanted to be more to the world and that was a lovely gift to receive from an elephant.

Day 169 - A Year to Clear - It Comes Built In

Photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash

Photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash

Lesson 169: It Comes Built In

A new week equals a new theme and week 25 brings us “Letting in the Light”.

I feel like the message is going to be about opening ourselves up to possibilities that the Universe has for us, but also, finding the answers within. We all have the power to reflect inwards and find the truth within ourselves. If I’ve learned anything whilst sharing this journey, is that we need to expand ourselves in order to find the joy we desire. I think living with an open mind and heart will do that.

Good news is that we’re close to the half way mark of the year and each day I’m learning some new things about myself, that I might not have thought before. I have been challenged and my life s unfolding in many ways. So let’s see what this week brings!