Day 251 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - If You Are In the Midst of...

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

Lesson 251: If You Are In the Midst of...

When we are going through a spiritual awakening, it’s new and not always forthcoming. You can be roaming the world really feeling raw truth. As we open our hearts on the search for our truth, it can be overwhelming. Think about when it gets too much. Is there anything you do to protect yourself or do you take a break from the spiritual side? Today we are asked to simply merge with it all.

I’m not sure I would merge with all things spiritual.. just because it can be an overload. There are reasons why we take breaks, to rest and reset. Today’s lesson to ask us to just merge with it all, doesn’t necessarily sit well with me. You can absorb other people’s crap, you might suddenly go moody for no good reason, you might feel upset … and with all these emotions and feelings, what’s that going to achieve if we are just to embrace it all.

I do have moments like these in which I do not necessarily agree with what’s being taught. I like the idea of being open to possibility but to merge with everything when it can get too much, just doesn’t seem like a good idea. I think it’s wise to protect yourself when it comes to spirituality. There are some nasty things out there, so why wouldn’t you protect yourself? Anyway, I’m not about to do this lesson but if you have a good time merging with everything on a spiritual level, tell me how you go.

Day 249 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - All the Meditation...

Photo by Samuel Austin on Unsplash

Lesson 249: All the Meditation...

All the meditation, all the yoga, all the renunciation in the world will not allow you to reach spiritual awakening. It happens in the heart. It’s the only way to get there; nothing else can do this for you.
— Sara Wiseman

Our spiritual awakening happens in our heart. I think that’s very powerful. It’s not in the mind or thought. It’s an opening of the heart. With being in the current passage of the heart of connection, we are urged to open it more. By going through the passage of pain and compassion, we can definitely learn and now it’s about allowing connection to happen.

I believe connection has to start with self. It’s about how you understand yourself and what your truth is. Once you go on this self journey of discovery, it allows for connection to other beings as well as the Universe (or God, deity etc that you believe in). To me, a spiritual awakening is like that piece of the puzzle that was lost and it just fits you. It allows you to understand how you are part of a collective One and how you can contribute your energy to that One. There is so much potential and possibility by opening your heart. There is also a knowing that everything will be okay. No matter how bad it gets, I just know that I’m going to be okay. I don’t know how and why, it’s just this knowing that I can’t explain. It’s essentially faith.

Can you open your heart today? if you can’t, why not? What could go wrong by being open?

Day 248 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - A Spiritual Awakening is Not...

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Lesson 248: A Spiritual Awakening is Not...

A spiritual awakening is not fire and brimstone, angelic heralds. It is simply an opening into the understanding of our true nature, our true purpose in this lifetime. It is an understanding that everyone else has signed up for the same job duty, too.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to understand that everyone expands their soul at different times and stages in their life. Think about your own heart and how that is opening. Where are you along in your journey?

I think my heart has the potential to grow further. I have silly thoughts pop in my head, which I can only put down to my subconscious holding onto self-deprecating notions that don’t serve me. I did deal with this shadow part of myself last weekend, and feel like I’ve rid most of it, but there is a bit of a feeling that something is still lingering, so I will revisit it.

It’s true that everyone’s understanding of why they are here will come in their own time. I believe we are all to experience and just be in a state of being. I feel like that is what life is about. I think there is major shifts coming to the world, and we more or less all have different missions, duties, tasks to do in order to help the move the world along. Everyone’s truth comes when it needs to. It’s not forced but rather a self-discovery and journey that presents itself at a certain point in your life. Some people get awakened at a young age and some much later in life.

I think I have a bit of work to be more accepting of people and their circumstances. I need to rid myself of judgement both at self and that of others. I think those that actively go out to hurt others probably need more work than those that actively try to be kind in their lives. All I can do is be a leader in my own life and hope that others can see the example I set, to want to change in their own lives – even those people that hurt others. I want to be as open as I can be to all walks of life and I want to help people – that’s the ultimate goal. I have got a long way to go but I am determined to fulfil this in my life. I hope to have my heart opening so big that I can really take on anything and it won’t phase me.

Where do you think you are at? And, where do you want to go in your own soul’s journey?

Day 234 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - For Some People...

Photo by Daniele Salutari on Unsplash

Lesson 234: For Some People...

Spiritual awakening is your unique journey. There are times when it can be overwhelming as you start to shift from a life that once was, to a life that is. We move from passage of pain to compassion and now we are currently moving into connection. We are opening our hearts in new ways. Today we are to think about how our heart has unfolded in the past year and in the past few weeks, how has your connection expanded?

I personally have learned a whole great deal in the past year. The most important lesson I have learned is that a world exists outside this little bubble we create around ourselves. Not saying that I was a selfish person, it’s more like I’m aware of me and those around me. Everyone has a story, everyone has a journey, everyone has their own internal struggles.

I have learned to be forgiving towards myself. I’m like the worst person at recognising that I am human and I make mistakes…. And that’s okay! I think I was so hard on myself because I liked everything being perfect but perfectionism is just an illusion. It’s okay for me to break down, it’s okay for me to have an off day, it’s okay to say the wrong thing sometimes (if I don’t know any better). I am just as human as anyone else and I have opened myself to learning the lesson rather than beat myself up over things.

Another thing that I am working on is to practise pure love. It’s so challenging. I think what I am learning is that I am practising more patience and tolerance of people. Understanding that each individual may have a back story to why they get angry over small things, or why they panic in straight forward situations or why everyone has their little quirks towards different situations. I come from a place of non-judgement and am always trying to take on a different perspective to accommodate others.

In the past few weeks, I’ve gone through and had a reconfirmation that we are all One and all energy combined. I always worry that I won’t find the right people that I truly connect with but they will come exactly when they are meant to. Establishing that people are closer than I think, has helped me in the past few weeks. I have established some great connections along the way and there are more to come.

Day 201 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Holding Consciousness is...

Photo by Vincent Guth on Unsplash

Photo by Vincent Guth on Unsplash

Lesson 201: Holding Consciousness is...

…. Is holding a torch up in the up in the dark. It is about being awakened to things you never thought of before. It’s a deeper understanding of yourself and that of the world around you. Even the smallest of changes in ourselves can make a world of difference. You might notice how you touch others in this way and how your light can lead others out of their own darkness.

Today we are to think about the ways we have become illuminated in the past few months and tell of your story of having your consciousness expanded.

My journey is very much a continuing story from last years awakening. If I am to focus on the last few months and how my consciousness has expanded, there has been a lot more self-acceptance than I’ve ever had in my life. I think being able to just be myself in my spiritual path as a medium and witch, is something I used to shy away from others but I think the more people I meet that have a spiritual side, the more I feel comfortable in my own practises. The light of others have definitely let the light in me shine. If I didn’t have a community to share my experience, then I would just attempt things on my own.

I think I’ve expanded to be more accepting of others as well. I think everyone has a story and I am not quick to judge anymore. For example, if someone has a tell tale reaction to situations with anger, to me, there must be a reason for that type of reaction. I don’t want to be insensitive to people’s stories so I keep an open mind in this way. I try to think about what might be impacting them and why they act in this manner. I’m not quick to assume they are just being unreasonable. I try to think outside the box.

I also try to be a light for others. I think when people trust me enough with their stories and reveal the darkest parts of their soul, I feel privileged that they resonate with me to share such a deep personal experience. I want others to open up as much as I have in this past year. I think it’s okay to embrace the dark parts of yourself, as long as you’re working through it to shed some light on it. I try to encourage people to be open to facing these parts of themselves in order to grow.

I think a lot about what I can do to change the world. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture but how I can impact people by leading a good life. I am currently in the works of making my spiritual learnings into a business and once I feel I’m in a good place, I need to expand myself out more. I got projects and ideas in the works and it’s all just about making it into a reality. All in due time!