Day 248 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - A Spiritual Awakening is Not...

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Lesson 248: A Spiritual Awakening is Not...

A spiritual awakening is not fire and brimstone, angelic heralds. It is simply an opening into the understanding of our true nature, our true purpose in this lifetime. It is an understanding that everyone else has signed up for the same job duty, too.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to understand that everyone expands their soul at different times and stages in their life. Think about your own heart and how that is opening. Where are you along in your journey?

I think my heart has the potential to grow further. I have silly thoughts pop in my head, which I can only put down to my subconscious holding onto self-deprecating notions that don’t serve me. I did deal with this shadow part of myself last weekend, and feel like I’ve rid most of it, but there is a bit of a feeling that something is still lingering, so I will revisit it.

It’s true that everyone’s understanding of why they are here will come in their own time. I believe we are all to experience and just be in a state of being. I feel like that is what life is about. I think there is major shifts coming to the world, and we more or less all have different missions, duties, tasks to do in order to help the move the world along. Everyone’s truth comes when it needs to. It’s not forced but rather a self-discovery and journey that presents itself at a certain point in your life. Some people get awakened at a young age and some much later in life.

I think I have a bit of work to be more accepting of people and their circumstances. I need to rid myself of judgement both at self and that of others. I think those that actively go out to hurt others probably need more work than those that actively try to be kind in their lives. All I can do is be a leader in my own life and hope that others can see the example I set, to want to change in their own lives – even those people that hurt others. I want to be as open as I can be to all walks of life and I want to help people – that’s the ultimate goal. I have got a long way to go but I am determined to fulfil this in my life. I hope to have my heart opening so big that I can really take on anything and it won’t phase me.

Where do you think you are at? And, where do you want to go in your own soul’s journey?

Day 234 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - For Some People...

Photo by Daniele Salutari on Unsplash

Lesson 234: For Some People...

Spiritual awakening is your unique journey. There are times when it can be overwhelming as you start to shift from a life that once was, to a life that is. We move from passage of pain to compassion and now we are currently moving into connection. We are opening our hearts in new ways. Today we are to think about how our heart has unfolded in the past year and in the past few weeks, how has your connection expanded?

I personally have learned a whole great deal in the past year. The most important lesson I have learned is that a world exists outside this little bubble we create around ourselves. Not saying that I was a selfish person, it’s more like I’m aware of me and those around me. Everyone has a story, everyone has a journey, everyone has their own internal struggles.

I have learned to be forgiving towards myself. I’m like the worst person at recognising that I am human and I make mistakes…. And that’s okay! I think I was so hard on myself because I liked everything being perfect but perfectionism is just an illusion. It’s okay for me to break down, it’s okay for me to have an off day, it’s okay to say the wrong thing sometimes (if I don’t know any better). I am just as human as anyone else and I have opened myself to learning the lesson rather than beat myself up over things.

Another thing that I am working on is to practise pure love. It’s so challenging. I think what I am learning is that I am practising more patience and tolerance of people. Understanding that each individual may have a back story to why they get angry over small things, or why they panic in straight forward situations or why everyone has their little quirks towards different situations. I come from a place of non-judgement and am always trying to take on a different perspective to accommodate others.

In the past few weeks, I’ve gone through and had a reconfirmation that we are all One and all energy combined. I always worry that I won’t find the right people that I truly connect with but they will come exactly when they are meant to. Establishing that people are closer than I think, has helped me in the past few weeks. I have established some great connections along the way and there are more to come.

Day 132 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - If You Like To Be...

Photo by Shashank Rana on Unsplash

Photo by Shashank Rana on Unsplash

Lesson 132: If You Like To Be Active...

What can you do to raise the vibration today? Not just for yourself but those around you, or even, the world. If you like being active, you can go around spreading good deeds and raising awareness. If you like to be quiet and calm, you can do meditation. When we are awakened we all find our spiritual path that is true to ourselves and speaks to our heart.

Today I choose to raise the vibration by sending some light to everyone. If someone feels low, I hope they see some positive way out of the situation. If someone feels like they are in a dire situation, that it starts to turn around for them. When someone loses confidence in themselves, they manage to see a positive within themselves. That people who are in the dark, find the light. I know what it’s like to feel lost and not see the light. So, I can only wish for those that might be losing some hope in the world, or even themselves, see that tiny shimmer of light to steer their lives into a good direction.

How do you want to lift up the world?

Day 98 - A Year of Spirituality - Compassion For Yourself Becomes...

Lesson 98: Compassion For Yourself Becomes...

Holding compassion for yourself is a good challenge. We went through the first passage of the heart which was pain and released our grief and as we become more aware, we move into the heart of compassion that evolves us into embracing pure love. If we practise the art of compassion, it will be easier to maintain over time.

I honestly believe this is the hardest thing to achieve. Dealing with pain was easier in the sense that you already know what causes you pain, you work through it and then steady yourself for release, but only when you’re ready. Applying compassion to everyone else and yourself, takes some getting used to. Especially in situations where you think it’s not deserved, though I feel like this is the lesson – to rise above what you think you know as right and wrong, in order to hold compassion in every situation. This opens us up to more understanding of the self and others. It engages us to tolerance and acceptance. We do not have to dislike ourselves or others for certain qualities, because when we hold compassion, it opens us up to truly understanding each other as equal and appreciating oneness.

When I was awakened, I really wanted to live with more pure love in my heart. It’s been challenging constantly. There is so much to learn about yourself and accept about yourself before you can move onto sharing this love with others. I think I am more self-aware than I have ever been but there are still annoyances in the way that I live and especially the ways others live (totally not their fault and just a conditioning of their environment), that I have to overcome with compassion. The things that annoy me are the way we are blinded to world and environmental issues and live in such a consumerist materialistic world that has no soul growth. I think I have a bigger job in life, which may not be right now, though definitely down the track, to really wake people up to the issues this world faces.

It’s good that I am doing this course to really open up myself to the passages of the heart in order to apply pure love in the world. I think this lesson of compassion proves to be quite inspiring and I will work hard to truly understand it and apply it. It’s a tough road but I like the test.

Day 41 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - You are meant to enjoy...

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Lesson 41: You are meant to enjoy...

We are meant to enjoy our “core self”. In life at one time or another we’ll do what we think is healthy in fitting in, competing others and trying to be “better”. But is this true to our “core self”? I definitely was always an outsider growing up in a predominantly white community in one of the few Asian families that lived there. I was always different and wanted to fit in. I feel that from childhood, this has heavily influenced my dealings with people as a teenager and adult, as I always felt this need to fit in. I always wanted to be in the cool crowd. I always acted like I had money, when in fact, my mother was a single mum and we were not rich, and there were times mum struggled. I always sort of hid that from everyone because I felt like being poor made me insubordinate in some way. I thought richer meant that I was better. The way our minds work hey?

Saturday’s lesson goes through letting go of any of this type of thinking. We need to exist as we truly are in this lifetime. I am to list those I think are “better” than me, as we as list who I think am “better” than. Then I am to ask myself how do these beliefs serve me and how can these beliefs be real.

So I’ve learned through my own awakening that I am no better than anyone, nor them over me, as well as I am no less than someone, nor them to me. When you start to journey through your own spirituality, you start to learn that we are all equal as humans and we shouldn’t treat someone above or less than ourselves. I can’t tell you the exact moment I started to think this in this way. It is a very enlightened way of thinking and a natural flow on the path I decided to take. I honestly think it was when I got to look after elephants and help out a village in Thailand. Seeing how other people lived in a true sense of community, without any of the worries we have in western world was definitely an eye opening experience. It was part of the reason why I started to think I want to help the world on a larger scale one day…. Well that’s the plan anyway. I want to be able to end the homeless problem in Australia as well. It’s odd, I used to see homeless people as dirty and less than me. It actually makes me sick typing that. Like, who the fuck am I to actually ever think that way? When you can actually recognise that we are all human and some need a little bit more help than others, it really makes you re-evaluate what you tend to under appreciate in your life.

Anyway, if you’re reading this, have a think about when you’ve thought someone was better than you or if you’ve thought you’re better than people. We need to exist in ourselves and know that our path is our own. We shouldn’t compare ourselves to each other. We need to start seeing each other as equal no matter what the circumstance.