Day 132 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - If You Like To Be...

Photo by Shashank Rana on Unsplash

Photo by Shashank Rana on Unsplash

Lesson 132: If You Like To Be Active...

What can you do to raise the vibration today? Not just for yourself but those around you, or even, the world. If you like being active, you can go around spreading good deeds and raising awareness. If you like to be quiet and calm, you can do meditation. When we are awakened we all find our spiritual path that is true to ourselves and speaks to our heart.

Today I choose to raise the vibration by sending some light to everyone. If someone feels low, I hope they see some positive way out of the situation. If someone feels like they are in a dire situation, that it starts to turn around for them. When someone loses confidence in themselves, they manage to see a positive within themselves. That people who are in the dark, find the light. I know what it’s like to feel lost and not see the light. So, I can only wish for those that might be losing some hope in the world, or even themselves, see that tiny shimmer of light to steer their lives into a good direction.

How do you want to lift up the world?

Day 132 - A Year to Clear - Perception

Lesson 132: Perception

As we go onto our spiritual paths, there is a realisation of getting back to our “true” selves. As we go about life we tend to put filters on to ourselves – that we are unworthy, that we don’t deserve things, that we are unloved…. It really can go on and on. If we work together as a collective, we can raise our vibration to match those who are awakened, and that instigates a notion within ourselves that we are loved, we worthy, we can do a lot to help this world….

Today is about releasing a filter we have on ourselves. To break down those perceptions we have on our self and to complete this sentence:

  • One way that I think that my clearing is changing the way I see myself and the world is______


I can safely say I have put way too much pressure on myself. I think the filters I have created on myself, are definitely because I have compared myself to others, and that of the mental and verbal abuse I’ve copped along the way. I think we really can be our own worst enemies. If someone makes a comment towards us that makes us feel bad about ourselves, we can sometimes start to believe it. If someone can view you in a certain light and make a bad comment about you, it must be true right? And, that can snowball us into thinking “what do others think of me?”. It’s such a negative cycle!

I think the biggest thing I’ve done for myself is to stop caring about what others think of me. It took some time to actually look at myself in the mirror and say things like “you are beautiful” “you are amazing” “you look awesome”. If you keep saying it, one day it will stick. It’s all about language, I find. Instead of saying “I can’t do this” we can approach situations with “okay this may be challenging but I can get through it”. This takes so much practise and if you keep at it, you start to actually believe your own words. I’m not saying this happens overnight. We sometimes have to revisit the painful memories of why someone said something hurtful and tackle through it, in order to remove those filters on ourselves. I sometimes lapse though can be quick to think “why am I thinking like this?” and steer my thought process into a more positive outlook on myself.

To finish the sentence above:

  • One way that I think that my clearing is changing the way I see myself and the world is through opening myself to self-compassion.