Day 64 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Heart of Hearts Illuminated

Photo by on Unsplash

Lesson 64: When the heart of hearts is illuminated...

When we start to let the Divine Light in, we definitely see things starting to unfold in our lives. We can start to think, feel and sense differently. Today is about imagining just a touch of Divine Light coming into our hearts. Closing our eyes and seeing that light enter our hearts as well as the Ananda Kanda. Just feeling whatever comes.

I know I have done this exercise not along ago but I still enjoy it. I closed my eyes and immediately the light was shining upon me spinning around me from above like a fan. I could see light being circled around, exactly as if it was light passing through a fan. It was different. I imagined my chest opening and having this light come in. It was like my chest and ribs opened like doors to accept this light. I felt very much in motion as this light came to offer me some peace. When I opened my eyes, it was like I was fresh again. Love that feeling. Such a good exercise to perform. Feel a bit of the light today, it’s most enjoyable.

Day 48 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Opening Your Heart

Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

Lesson 48: Do you think opening your heart...

Saturday’s lesson has us opening our heart just a little more.  We are to close our eyes and imagine the divine light come in. imagine your chest being opened, and light flowing into you, into each layer, to all your extremities and feel what happens to your body. It may feel overwhelming and new but at the same time, there may be an extreme relief.

I love this type of exercise as I usually do it every now and then. I imagine the divine light above me always shining down. I imagine my chakras being opened whilst the light flows in and out of my body. It’s like a cleanse. I imagined this time my chest fully open and allowed the light to come in. I imagined this light reaching all parts of my body. It’s very healing and calming. Can really take your mind off things. I could feel a slight vibration flow over my arms and chest. I figured this was a reminder of the healing energy. I am trying to live open for a better self and I am open to receiving what comes.

I always feel good after meditation. There is less heaviness in my head and my body has a weight lifted. We can all live a little lighter by taking on meditation for some clarity, insight and healing.