Day 184 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - There are Two Places to Release Emotions...

Photo by GoaShape on Unsplash

Photo by GoaShape on Unsplash

Lesson 184: There are Two Places to Release Emotions...

Today we are to apply the two ways we can release our emotions. The first is to meditate and be aware of your self-energy whilst the other is to immerse yourself in a noisy group setting and merge with that energy. See how you feel with both.

I do meditate by myself even if it’s a quick closing of my eyes and taking some deep breaths. It’s calming to just clear my head and take in those deep breaths to clear out my body also. I find that I balance myself when I do this. That whatever may have caused me some anger, anxiety or worry etc, will go away eventually. I just breathe through it. Other times, I may just go to YouTube and put on a meditation and just find myself relaxing. I am always out to thank Spirit and the Divine for the day that I’ve had. When I do this, I instantly feel better for everything in my life also.

In terms of being in a crowd like situation, I didn’t really have that opportunity today. I was at work, but I didn’t really want to immerse myself in that energy, only because it’s not the best environment. How I do merge myself with good energy of a crowd is at a concert or gig that I’m at. I like when we are all together, strangers in a room sharing a love for the same music artist. I think that’s something special and I love feeding and giving out energy. I always feel so amped up after being in a crowd and just feeling the music. It’s totally refreshing. Apart from this, I can’t think of a noisy group scenario where I gain good energy. I very much like being by myself hey. I like the solitude and wisdom that being with myself can bring.

How do you find your ways to release when you’re by yourself or in a crowd?

Day 181 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Physical Body Can...

Photo by Henri Pham on Unsplash

Photo by Henri Pham on Unsplash

Lesson 181: The Physical Body Can...

The physical body can change in an instant, but mostly, it changes slowly; you eat a meal, and feel one way. You sleep, and feel another. The emotional body can change in milliseconds, riding up one wave of emotion and down the other. The waves are not true: they are just the movement of energy, up or down.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to thinking about what we do when we have a rise or decline in emotion. What do we do to make ourselves balanced again when that emotion doesn’t serve you anymore?

I personally take deep breaths in and then breathing out. I actually do a lot of visualisation that the air I breathe in is some energising white light and what I breathe out is all the anxiety, pain, frustration etc that goes back out into the Universe. That’s what I try first.

Other times I just watch TV or listen to music to just take my mind away from things because then I don’t have to use brain power thinking about anything. Sometimes it’s just nice to have these outlets to get lost in for a moment.

Another thing I do to rebalance is meditation or just simply asking the Universe to take what doesn’t serve me away. I think simply by asking it to not be in my mind anymore and asking my guides to help me, makes a difference. Then I usually sleep on it and I don’t have so much emotions the next day.

These methods are all my methods of trying to rebalance – what are yours?

Day 180 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Physical Body Has a Method...

Photo by Chris Jarvis on Unsplash

Photo by Chris Jarvis on Unsplash

Lesson 180: The Physical Body Has a Method...

The physical body has a method for going through a cycle of cleansing from the blood, internal systems, the skin… Unfortunately, our emotional body does not have the luxury of this automated system. We have to think of ways to cleanse our emotions time and time again. We can do this with meditation, taking some time in nature, going for a walk, listening to music, connecting with others.. In what ways do you clear your emotional body? Today think about and write down what they are.

I thought I would just list the ways I clear and release emotions. These include:

·         Listening to music

·         Sleeping on it

·         Watching TV shows and movies to relax

·         Meditation

·         Cleaning the house

·         Talking to close friends

·         Talking to mentors

·         Understanding why I have those emotions

·         Facing the truth with those emotions

·         Crying

·         Dancing

·         Taking a few deep breaths

I don’t do all of these daily but they are my options. What do you do to cleanse emotions?

Day 179 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Fast, The Feast...

Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash

Lesson 179: The Fast, The Feast...

Whether you take on a fast or feast, it’s still a great use of your emotional body. We can indulge and celebrate or understanding the strength in fasting – whatever you choose, this allows us to feel more in our bodies. All that we do for our body has a purpose to serve us. Today we are to feast in our body and emotions.

I had a couple highlights on my Thursday. My two up manager was leaving the company and we had a going away lunch for her. I indulged in a pumpkin pizza that had halloumi and caramelised onion. It was amazing even though I ate too much and hurt my stomach. I don’t live with regret. I really love pumpkin pizza :D. Then at night I went to a gig for a music producer Illenium. One of the support acts was Dabin and he indulged me for a photo. I was really just feeling the music which amps up my happiness. I think I feasted well that day and really fed my emotions. I also don’t take for granted the experiences I get to enjoy, when others out there are suffering. I know that there is a focus on self before I can go help out others. it’s something I do think about every day and am working towards.

How did you feast for your emotions and body today?

Day 177 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Physical Body Cannot Be...

Photo by Mladen Milinovic on Unsplash

Lesson 177: The Physical Body Cannot Be...

The physical body cannot be sated by food, drink, alcohol and so forth, because it cannot answer conditions of the emotional body. It is like trying to feed a stone an apple; stone’s can’t eat apples. It’s not what nourishes them.
— Sara Wiseman

Today is about listing down what feeds us emotionally and what doesn’t. Over the next few days, it’s about noticing that the list is different to what you thought it might be.


Things that feeds me emotionally

·         Music

·         Good people

·         Nice food

·         Meditation

·         Travel

·         Reading

·         Dancing

·         Connecting with people on my spiritual path

·         Knowing people are achieving their dreams


Things that don’t feed me emotionally

·         Negative people

·         Bad news on social platforms

·         Bullying on social platforms

·         Dream killers

·         Ignorance

·         Lack of compassion from others

·         Know it all people


That’s about all I can think of. I know what I want in life and that drives my emotions up high. In terms of what doesn’t feed me emotionally, I find that it’s most based on other people’s actions, and I actively try and have good people around me to counteract all those negative traits.

What did you come up with?