Day 317 - A Year to Clear - A Whole-y Moment

Photo by Esmee Holdijk on Unsplash

Lesson 317: A Whole-y Moment

Stephanie Bennett Vogt recounts a story in this lesson about her husband taking a photo of her where she closed her eyes in a moment of contemplation. It wasn’t rehearsed and it was in a moment that was pure. There wasn’t a moment to fix her hair or make sure she looked good. It was a photo that showed stillness whilst in that moment; some that can be so rare for all of us. The task is to let someone take a photo of you and for you to breathe in stillness before the photo is taken. If you don’t have that option, take a selfie where you are not thinking about it and see what happens next. Do you find that you look like you let go? When you can let go of everything, does it show you more of who you are and want to be?

I remember taking a selfie of myself some time ago with my eyes closed whilst I was laying in my bed. I don’t know where that photo is now because it was on an old phone but I think I remembered it for the purposes of this post. I remember thinking how still I was. When I think about that picture, there was no pain, there was no girl with a million worries, there was just someone free and at peace. That photo was many years ago but I loved myself in that moment.

There is no reason why I can’t be this person now. I don’t have to let everything bother me. I just have to let go to allow that freedom and peace to enter my life. I don’t need to worry. There is that element of surrender that doesn’t easily come. It’s something to be reminded of today and try to practise in future. We can all have those moments of stillness at any point. It’s just a matter of choosing that for ourselves really.

Day 313 - A Year to Clear - Forgive Someone or Something

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Lesson 313: Forgive Someone or Something

Today we are to finish the following sentences in order to detach. Forgiveness is something to master in your life. There is much love you can gain and open up for yourself, if you learn to let things go. Sometimes situations are not going to pan ou the way you want them to, sometimes people don’t change or just simply wishing ill thoughts towards someone is a waste of your energy. We are to breathe in this exercise daily and see the change happen in your life.

The sentences to complete:

  • Someone or something I am ready to forgive is______

  • Something in myself that I'm ready to forgive is______


My answers:

  • Someone or something I am ready to forgive is a situation that happened to me where I felt wronged by certain people in my life.

  • Something in myself that I'm ready to forgive is my obsessive nature when I take on new experiences.

What are some things you can forgive in your life?

Day 307 - A Year to Clear - How Detached Are You?

Photo by Esther Tuttle on Unsplash

Photo by Esther Tuttle on Unsplash

Lesson 307: How Detached Are You?

Based on the following statements, we are to see how they relate to our 4 levels of awareness.


  • When my child (spouse, pet) is sick, my impulse is to______

  • When I feel misunderstood, my impulse is to______

  • When I feel that someone has lied to (cheated) me, my impulse is to______

  • When I make a mistake, my impulse is to______

  • When I see I starving child on the news, my impulse is to______



My answers:


  • When my child (spouse, pet) is sick, my impulse is to help and care for them - Unconscious Competence

  • When I feel misunderstood, my impulse is to explain myself further - Conscious Incompetence

  • When I feel that someone has lied to (cheated) me, my impulse is to get very mad - Unconscious Incompetence

  • When I make a mistake, my impulse is to let it go because everyone makes mistakes - Unconscious Competence

  • When I see I starving child on the news, my impulse is to be grateful for the life I have - Unconscious Competence

Not all instances am I fully detached. This shows me that I have much clearing to do. I need to fully let go and allow that to letting go to arise within me.



Day 303 - A Year to Clear - Would You Do It?

Photo by Matic Kozinc on Unsplash

Lesson 303: Would You Do It?

Today we are to think about whether or not we can let go completely. We are told that it is that easy if we just allowed it to happen…

I think this definitely serves as a reminder as I have been holding onto something I really need to let go. Even a friend was reminding me that I shouldn’t hold onto negativity, or spread it, and that through every situation there are mistakes we would have made, that we need to learn from. I guess I needed to message her in order to get some further advice. I do need to let go of this particular situation that I still have residual anger about. I was advised to write a letter to them saying all the things I wish I got to say.. and maybe even more, but not with the intention to send the letter. The whole point of the exercise is to get everything out and then burn the letter in order to let it go.

I definitely think everyone can let anything go… in time. I am not saying you are going to move through or get over things that have been in your life for years. I would know! I held onto some father issues for a very long time. Now, I just don’t let that hold me back any longer. I held onto that for over 10 years. I think everything you work through is at your own pace and in your own time. I feel that no one can tell you how to work through your pain, issues, habits, behaviour… When you are ready, that’s when you will know to go through your thoughts one by one.

What do you think? Do you think you may go to the grave not letting go everything? Do you think some people just don’t work through everything in their lives, even when they are open to it?

Day 301 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 43 - Supporting Release

Lesson 301: Check In WEEK 43 - Supporting Release

 This week we were learning other ways of release. Because that’s what we’ve been learning all year, there was added ways to support release. I didn’t particularly like the “yoga” poses as they didn’t do much for me. I would probably get more use doing meditation. As for causing disappointment, I think it was a good way to detach from outcomes and it was a lesson of supporting our own truth. I personally haven’t been doing that well with the challenges in my life, so I haven’t been fully focused on what has been taught. I am in a cycle of trying to empower myself so I can tackle what I’m facing. I’ll see what the next week brings..