Day 320 - A Year to Clear - Look in the Mirror

Photo by Mikail Duran on Unsplash

Lesson 320: Look in the Mirror

Today we are to look into the mirror for a minute and notice all the commentary you have towards yourself. Let the thoughts come but don’t categorise them into bad or good thoughts. Do not judge them at all. Once the minute is over, notice how you feel.

It’s odd because for some reason a few days ago, I said to myself that I have to stare myself in the mirror and tell myself what I am grateful for, so to have this lesson pop up isn’t a coincidence.

When I looked at myself in the mirror, I noticed my tiredness. I don’t like the imperfections on my face and I notice that I am aging. I notice the oiliness of my face. I see the loneliness in my eyes. I have the thought that I don’t like the look of me at the moment.

I noticed that I need to be less self-critical. I need some more self-love. I feel bad of myself for having such thoughts towards myself. I do not have these thoughts towards my friends and family, so why am I having them towards myself. It makes me sad. I need to believe that I am beautiful the way others see. But I need to truly believe these words. Something to really work on.

This task can be so challenging. It’s time to do away with negative thoughts towards self.

Day 316 - A Year to Clear - Show Me Your Spirit

Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash

Lesson 316: Show Me Your Spirit

Let it all go. Show me your spirit.
— Platon, portrait photographer

So, I’ve been away some time focusing on interview skills to land a job, and I haven’t been focused on spirituality as such. But here I am going to pump out all the remaining days and not do them in strict order so I get it all done before year’s end.

The new theme of the week is “revealing”. What I gather from the quote is that this is about letting go and revealing your true self. What really fires in your soul that needs to come forth or what is it that you hide behind that needs to be released. I think it’s about facing some truths about yourself in order to let your spirit be free.

I personally believe that I am quite an open person and that a lot of people hide behind themselves. I don’t see the point of not being open and honest – what’s the worst that can happen in doing so? If we can’t be our authentic selves, then wouldn’t it be exhausting masking in your charade? Let’s see what the lessons bring hey?

Day 314 - A Year to Clear - Forgiveness Frees

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

Lesson 314: Forgiveness Frees

The universe will deal with that person’s Karma. You don’t have to worry that if you ‘forgive them’ that they’re going to somehow live a deserved wonderful life. . .It is not just to make their day better, it is to free you.
— Marianne Williamson

Today we are to consider this quote.

For me it has powerful impact. It’s about surrendering to the Universe and let it do its thing. Forgiveness is about letting go of the outcome. It’s about knowing that no matter what happens with you or someone you are forgiving, that it doesn’t matter as you are not allowing it to have hold on your life any longer. It’s about changing your narrative. Your life continues just the way it is without having the set back of looming thoughts about a situation that clouds your mind. If it doesn’t impact your life, then a question you have to ask yourself is “why not let it go?”. I think everyone is strong enough to let go and control the freedom they can create in their life. We are the makers of our own story. Why live your life bound by something that can hold you back? When you can free yourself and another from upsetting situations or emotions. There would be nothing holding you back when you surrender in this way.

Day 313 - A Year to Clear - Forgive Someone or Something

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Lesson 313: Forgive Someone or Something

Today we are to finish the following sentences in order to detach. Forgiveness is something to master in your life. There is much love you can gain and open up for yourself, if you learn to let things go. Sometimes situations are not going to pan ou the way you want them to, sometimes people don’t change or just simply wishing ill thoughts towards someone is a waste of your energy. We are to breathe in this exercise daily and see the change happen in your life.

The sentences to complete:

  • Someone or something I am ready to forgive is______

  • Something in myself that I'm ready to forgive is______


My answers:

  • Someone or something I am ready to forgive is a situation that happened to me where I felt wronged by certain people in my life.

  • Something in myself that I'm ready to forgive is my obsessive nature when I take on new experiences.

What are some things you can forgive in your life?

Day 312 - A Year to Clear - Dissolve Them

Lesson 312: Dissolve Them


Notice them
Observe them
Don’t react on them
The thoughts will scream at you for attention, hug them
Observe them
Love them
Dissolve them
This makes echoes of them
— Martin Soulreader

Today we are introduced to the writings of Martin Soulreader. The idea is to learn from it in order to expand ourselves to forgive.

I think the whole thing is really important. I think what I need to learn is to not over react to things. I think I notice my emotions after the fact, I let them come to me and pass, before acknowledging and letting go. This lesson is teaching us to expand our hearts whilst giving tools on how to control our reaction to things. I believe it’s about taking a step back and being the observer in your life, even though it’s happening directly to you.

I guess I don’t really want to say much but just absorb this lesson.