Day 312 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Our Dreams Are a State of Consciousness...

Lesson 312: Our Dreams Are a State of Consciousness...

Our dreams are a state of consciousness beyond the consciousness that we are able to hold in waking life. In other words, we are more conscious, we are more in the realm of soul, when we are in our dreams then when we are awake.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about what our dreams are telling us about our souls. What messages are you drawing from your dreams. If you aren’t sure, close your eyes now and be informed.

I get the indication that I’m being told to stop worrying about my job situation and just life in general. I think if I can stick with a positive attitude and have good intentions in my life, then it will work out. There’s nothing that I can do but be my best self. It’s about bringing about the inner self through to the outer self.

I think there is so much work to be done for my spiritual path and I am being shown to continue in my studying so that I become as knowledgeable as I can be. The answers that I seek are within the books that I am going to read.

I feel like there is a kind soul that I need to reach and this is why I do this course and another one on clearing. I think whatever emotions I’ve developed based on the situations I’ve experienced in my life were supposed to happen to build me into the person I am today. It’s about opening my heart more so that I can shine the light out for others to learn from. All in due time. There is no rush in knowing everything right now.

Day 312 - A Year to Clear - Dissolve Them

Lesson 312: Dissolve Them


Notice them
Observe them
Don’t react on them
The thoughts will scream at you for attention, hug them
Observe them
Love them
Dissolve them
This makes echoes of them
— Martin Soulreader

Today we are introduced to the writings of Martin Soulreader. The idea is to learn from it in order to expand ourselves to forgive.

I think the whole thing is really important. I think what I need to learn is to not over react to things. I think I notice my emotions after the fact, I let them come to me and pass, before acknowledging and letting go. This lesson is teaching us to expand our hearts whilst giving tools on how to control our reaction to things. I believe it’s about taking a step back and being the observer in your life, even though it’s happening directly to you.

I guess I don’t really want to say much but just absorb this lesson.