Day 308 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 44 - Marking Progress

Lesson 308: Check In WEEK 44 - Marking Progress

The week was to bring about the 4 levels of awareness. It is mentioned that most people reside in 2 or 3 as it depends on how they are feeling on that particular day. What I learned is that this course has opened my awareness. Although I don’t have detachment down pat, it’s something I am aware of that I need to improve on. I think recognising all the uncomfortable feelings is a good thing and I ride the wave of that. I allow the emotions and feelings to wash over me and then I can let go from there. Sometimes some things are not easy to let go of where as some instance they are. I think I’ve got a lot to learn and this course has always mentioned that it is not a race. I feel that I’ve grown so much in this course. It has opened my mind to being aware of how I can react to things and being mindful to choose a different method. I have so much learning to go in fully letting go. I think having a pure loving heart, which was always my intention when starting on this spiritual journey, is something we can have in order to be filled with light and spread that light. I’m working on it. Go some time to go, I think.

Day 307 - A Year to Clear - How Detached Are You?

Photo by Esther Tuttle on Unsplash

Photo by Esther Tuttle on Unsplash

Lesson 307: How Detached Are You?

Based on the following statements, we are to see how they relate to our 4 levels of awareness.


  • When my child (spouse, pet) is sick, my impulse is to______

  • When I feel misunderstood, my impulse is to______

  • When I feel that someone has lied to (cheated) me, my impulse is to______

  • When I make a mistake, my impulse is to______

  • When I see I starving child on the news, my impulse is to______



My answers:


  • When my child (spouse, pet) is sick, my impulse is to help and care for them - Unconscious Competence

  • When I feel misunderstood, my impulse is to explain myself further - Conscious Incompetence

  • When I feel that someone has lied to (cheated) me, my impulse is to get very mad - Unconscious Incompetence

  • When I make a mistake, my impulse is to let it go because everyone makes mistakes - Unconscious Competence

  • When I see I starving child on the news, my impulse is to be grateful for the life I have - Unconscious Competence

Not all instances am I fully detached. This shows me that I have much clearing to do. I need to fully let go and allow that to letting go to arise within me.



Day 306 - A Year to Clear - Assess Your Progress

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Lesson 306: Assess Your Progress

Today we are to look at progress of clearing practises by completing the following sentences:

  • Unconscious incompetence would describe the part of me that is still______

  • I know I'm at the level of conscious incompetence when______

  • The side of me that shows up as consciously competent in my life is______

  • Where I most excel and I consider myself masterful would be in______

  • One thing I can do to expand my level of awareness is______



My answers:

  • Unconscious incompetence would describe the part of me that is still able to fall into depression without any rational thought.

  • I know I'm at the level of conscious incompetence when I feel the overwhelm and the only thing I know to solve it, is to breathe.

  • The side of me that shows up as consciously competent in my life is when I can allow the emotions to flow, I allow those emotions to wash over me and then I can reason as to what steps are next for me.

  • Where I most excel and I consider myself masterful would be in identifying the overwhelm and assisting myself in getting out of it through the breath.

  • One thing I can do to expand my level of awareness is to fully let go with pure intentions in my heart.


Day 305 - A Year to Clear - Four Levels of Awareness - Part 2

Photo by Kevin Quezada on Unsplash

Lesson 305: Four Levels of Awareness - Part 2

I would type out everything in regards to the 4 levels of awareness by Stephanie Bennett Vogt, but it’s quite long. I am just going to copy and paste her levels below:

  • Unconscious Incompetence would be an indicator of complete turmoil, uncertainty, chaos. At level one you feel helpless and overwhelmed. All your survival mechanisms are in full gear and you are holding on for dear life. Clearing brings up your resisting behaviors and triggers stress hormones. You have no strategies in place to manage the chaos; and if you do have them, you're too overwhelmed to put them to use. There is no light at the end of the tunnel.

  • Conscious Incompetence. In level two you begin to put one foot in front of the other. Your nervous system begins to settle down. You can see that the discomfort you are experiencing in your clearing is not who you are, yet you have no idea what to do about it. You are aware of your buttons getting pressed but have no resources, strategies, or practice tools in place to manage the bumpy weather when it comes up. There is a peephole of light at the end of the tunnel.

  • Conscious Competence indicates competency. In level three you know what it feels like to let go (with intention, action, non-identification, and compassion) but it takes conscious effort on your part to cultivate it. You recognize the places you hold on and know that you are not a victim of your circumstances. You feel a greater sense of ease and possibility and know that hope is possible. The tunnel is filling with light.

  • Unconscious Competence is an indicator of pure awareness, effortlessness, spacious detachment, and mastery. In level four you are in the spacious zone: you are able to let go with an open heart without even thinking about it. You don't fix or judge. You take nothing personally. You accept things as they are. You laugh a lot. You vibrate clarity and attract people, places, and opportunities that are a vibrational match. You clear by just being a witnessing presence. At this level of awareness there is no tunnel; all is brilliant, shimmering light.


It almost looks to be like stages of grief and overcoming them. Today we are to think about where in these stages did we start in the clearing process and where do we find ourselves hanging out most in.


I believe that I was in “unconscious incompetence” for sure. I thought my life was chaotic and I wasn’t really managing things in my life well. I think I found my spiritual path but very lost at the same time. I think why I place myself in this level of awareness is because of my behaviour and resisting patterns. I could have easily placed myself into “conscious incompetence” but I had no awareness. I think I might have been in the in between trying to apply more self-awareness but not fully aware. I definitely bought this course in order to get my life in a bit of order and give myself coping tools with how to bring about positive energy.

If I was to say where I am now, I think I’d be in “conscious competence”. I don’t think I have fully detached to things that occur in my life. I have trouble letting go of things where people have wronged me. It’s something I am still trying to master. I can let go of things that occur as mistakes in life – for example, if someone at work makes a mistake, I apply my awareness, place myself in their shoes and apply compassion because I could have easily made that same mistake. I can help others be more aware of other people’s thinking and mistakes also. It’s like I’m 50/50 on this phase. I know I can really let go of these situations of people wronging me, because we all have that power to let go, but it’s like an old habit that holds me back. It’s almost like I like to hold onto that anger because it’s easier. I am aware that I conquer situations well and some others not so well.

Anyway, where do you think you are and where you need to go? I can see I’m getting there and when I can let go of everything, then I know I will hit that final phase. I think the thing that irks me is that people in general are not aware and do inconsiderate things – it can be as simple thing of not letting people off a train before entering themselves. It’s trying to accept that and fully be compassionate which is a hard task to master. As I keep developing, I think I will master this.

Day 304 - A Year to Clear - Four Levels of Awareness - Part 1

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

Lesson 304: Four Levels of Awareness - Part 1

Today we are introduced to 4 levels of awareness as per Stephanie Bennett Vogt:


1.    Unconscious Incompetence

2.    Conscious Incompetence

3.    Conscious Competence

4.    Unconscious Competence (Presence)

They are meant to wake us up to our truth. The words themselves will not make sense when our brain go to comprehend them. They will open up our consciousness. More information will be updated tomorrow.


As I read the words together over and over, they are starting to make sense. I feel like given the conscious and unconscious mind, we make decisions based on those 2 parts of ourselves without realising. Some of those decisions are competent and some are just incompetent. Some of our decisions are mindful where as some aren’t, but within those actions that aren’t mindful, we have deep rooted traditions that have been taught that makes us act in certain ways. That’s how I interpret it. What do you think? Will find out more tomorrow.