Day 108 - A Year to Clear - Your Spacious Zone

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

Lesson 108: Your Spacious Zone

The theme of fluidity is continuing today. Is there something you can do today that will bring about a more fluid day? Is it something you can adopt ongoing?

The most simple exercise suggested is to take in a deep breath and exhale repeating “I choose ease”. You can adopt any phrase or mantra you like. Whatever embraces fluidity and helps you flow through life.

I decided to use the phrase “I choose mindfulness”. I think I can get overworked or overwhelmed by things that go on in my mind. I think if I can focus on mindfulness and proactively implementing this into my day, I am more productive in my day. Let the stresses escape my mind and just focus on the task at hand. If I’m productive at work, then that should transcend into my personal time. But, also not allowing so many thoughts that are no use to me cloud my mind. I think when I am at work, I get anxiety and stress. I need to let these thoughts go by being more mindful. Focus on the important things, getting through that in steps and then not think about it further once I’ve dealt with it. It takes some conscious effort to be more present. I got to let feelings go and not let it consume me.

Day 101 - A Year to Clear - Like Attracts Like

Photo by Aaron Kato on Unsplash

Photo by Aaron Kato on Unsplash

Lesson 101: Like Attracts Like

Today is all about your vibration and what you can attract. All of this is within our power. Such thoughts like “I’m worried about my future” “I don’t have enough” “why are bad things always happening to me?” etc are going to do what exactly? Attract that of the same frequency. It’s very much put out a good thought and let good things happen and fall into place. Have thoughts such as “I have enough” “I trust in the Universe and it’s plan” “I have faith that good things come when I need it” etc and see the vibration change. We attract what we put out. So empower yourself and then see how your life changes. This is your choice and no one else’s. Always remember that you are in control. Send out some good vibrations today and notice your feelings inside.

Day 99 - A Year to Clear - It's Alright

Photo by Thomas Pierre on Unsplash

Photo by Thomas Pierre on Unsplash

Lesson 99: It's Alright

If you knew everything was really all right, and that it always has a happy ending, then you would not feel trepidatious about your future. Everything is really so very all right! If you could believe and trust that, then, immediately everything would automatically and instantly become all right.
— Abraham-Hicks

New week equals a new theme and we are introduced to “Raising the Frequency”. We are to read the quote and note how we feel after reading it. Whatever resistance we feel, we are to just let it go. We are to absorb and I assume this changes our frequency.

I honestly thought about the silly worries we have that hold us back from just realising that everything is alright and everything will work out the way it’s supposed to be. I am in no way discounting anyone’s feelings and worries, but sometimes we over complicate the future, when we just need to let it go and let it flow. I always have to remind myself that everything will be okay and to not overwhelm my mind with too much. Sometimes I work myself up thinking about whether I’ll have enough money, or if I’ll find love etc, but it will always work out, as long as I put my own efforts into place to conquer those concerns. I definitely don’t think there is some magical fairy that makes sure everything will be alright from my lack of inactivity. I think we definitely do need to take action in order for good things to occur. There is an element of action, as well as trusting that it will work out combined together, to gain a positive result.

What do you think?

Day 38 - A Year to Clear - Passing Clouds

Lesson 38: Passing Clouds

If you consider that every thought pattern that doesn’t align with your highest purpose and deepest knowing is like a passing cloud or squall that blocks the sunlight of your being, it becomes easier to let it go.

What are you ready to let go of today?
— Stephanie Bennett Vogt

Clouds that I would like to pass are the continuous self-doubt and questioning of my skills and ability. I tend to question my actions and I guess it’s that fear we tend to have. Fear of not doing it right and failing. I need to re-route my thinking into a more positive “yes I can do it” type of attitude. I know the only person limiting myself is me. It’s like a battle in my head. Sometimes it’s “I can’t do this” and then I counter it with a “yes Liana you can do this”. If those self-deprecating thoughts can go away and I can be forever pushed in a “you can do it” attitude, that’d be great.

I think because I am a bit of perfectionist when it comes to any skills, I can be a bit hard on myself also. It’s silly because I am learning, and I hold myself in high regard, so I don’t like to fail. As I type this, I’m thinking gosh I’m a wonder. One minute there is fear and disbelief mixed with a hint of not ever wanting to fail. It just seems so unrealistic in hindsight.

I want this all released – failure is good to grow from so I would like to release that idealistic pressure I place on myself. I also would like to release all the thoughts that put me down when I’m developing into my own person. My journey will have bumps but it’s just part of the ride. Replace everything with a slowly but surely progressive attitude for my path. I send this out to the universe!

Day 37 - A Year to Clear - The Only Thing That Is Real

Photo by Anthony Tori on Unsplash

Photo by Anthony Tori on Unsplash

Lesson 37: The Only Thing That Is Real

The only thing that is real — and really juicy — is happening right this second.
— Stephanie Bennett Vogt

So I am supposed to sit with this statement and breathe into it.

Right this second I am typing out this post for my blog. I took on this daily as a routine, so that writing my book series is just a natural extension of me. I am taking an approach of writing one page a day for my book. That is all it takes and before I know it, I'll reach a year and have a decent sized book. Right this second, I do this course to free up my mind and physical space which reminds me I have some thoughts coming up lately that I need to deal with.

Besides this, I have How I Met Your Mother running on in the background. It was one of my favourite TV series so I am sort of watching it whilst I write. It's still as funny as I remember. 

As I look around, I am slowly getting my house to the point where I will feel truly comfortable. I will get to the point where it reveals my true self and I'll be my highest self. The journey is revealing my truth.