Day 108 - A Year to Clear - Your Spacious Zone

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

Lesson 108: Your Spacious Zone

The theme of fluidity is continuing today. Is there something you can do today that will bring about a more fluid day? Is it something you can adopt ongoing?

The most simple exercise suggested is to take in a deep breath and exhale repeating “I choose ease”. You can adopt any phrase or mantra you like. Whatever embraces fluidity and helps you flow through life.

I decided to use the phrase “I choose mindfulness”. I think I can get overworked or overwhelmed by things that go on in my mind. I think if I can focus on mindfulness and proactively implementing this into my day, I am more productive in my day. Let the stresses escape my mind and just focus on the task at hand. If I’m productive at work, then that should transcend into my personal time. But, also not allowing so many thoughts that are no use to me cloud my mind. I think when I am at work, I get anxiety and stress. I need to let these thoughts go by being more mindful. Focus on the important things, getting through that in steps and then not think about it further once I’ve dealt with it. It takes some conscious effort to be more present. I got to let feelings go and not let it consume me.

Day 98 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 14 - Getting Spacious

Photo by Mitchell Griest on Unsplash

Lesson 98: Check In WEEK 14 - Getting Spacious

This week saw us become more spacious by taking on a simple exercise of identifying an area of the home and taking a minute a day in it to help clear. I noticed that I was more motivated to clear, knowing that new people would be visiting my home and that I wanted it to look more like the home I wanted, because they would look upon it for the first time. I also wanted to be rid of items that I didn’t want use as often as I’d like, and was introduced to the concept, that if it didn’t fill my heart with joy, then maybe it was time to move that item along. Never really looked at my items and space in this way and I felt I really benefited from that simple advice. Taking a minute out of each day is useful because as soon as I feel overwhelm, I can stop. My make-up is my current challenge, as I am trying to decide what colours are truly my colours and what I would wear, and then I want to rid myself of all the items I do not use. I am becoming more spacious and noticed that I want a simple space that has life also. It’s been a good week for clearing and hope I maintain it.