Day 124 - A Year to Clear - Static Cling

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

Lesson 124: Static Cling

From the last lesson, there was a good realisation that we carry around invisible clutter and this can be accumulating and forms a stringy web. It is said this follows us around and attracts just as many low frequency energies to it as well as leave a trail for others to attract and stick to.

I think Stephanie Bennett Vogt’s lesson is great. We are the product of our environment and of those around us. If we are clearing our clutter with awareness and compassion towards ourselves, then we open ourselves to good possibilities and natural flow of good energy. If we do this, it spreads. And if we help ourselves and those around us, then it can spread further to strangers and the world. That’s the enormity that the lesson is today.

All the power is within ourselves. Put your intentions out there. Attract goodness. Spread it out. But we must always start with self. We can’t help others if we can’t declutter, and release the things or mindsets that hold us back.

Day 123 - A Year to Clear - Strings Attached

Photo by Alex Satriani on Unsplash

Lesson 123: Strings Attached

Imagine this: one object that you don’t use or love equals one invisible string. A negative thought equals another. Same negative thoughts, addictions, unmitigated fear, painful memories cycled over and over again equals a stringy mess.

A stringy mess that we spin out of our energy field like a spider’s web.
— Stephanie Bennett Vogt

Going through the exercise, I thought “what a mess!” and then I thought “everyone’s head must be a mess too”. If all our thoughts and clutter were attached to string, there would be string everywhere! I guess the only comfort I gain from that exercise is that web’s can be destroyed and don’t last forever right? We can destroy our web if we work through all the clutter. We can slowly make the strings go away. In my mess of an apartment, I know this to be true. I think my problem is getting side-tracked all the time. I’ve been busy lately so I can get inconsistent in physical clearing but I make it a point to be more mindful, which is an attempt to clear the silly thoughts in my head. We can really just let it go but only with consistent efforts. I need to get my consistency going again for sure. Like anything, we all have our ups and downs.


If that exercise made you stressed, remember to stop and breathe through it. That web doesn’t define us. Everything will slowly clear as we continue on this journey.