Day 124 - A Year to Clear - Static Cling

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

Lesson 124: Static Cling

From the last lesson, there was a good realisation that we carry around invisible clutter and this can be accumulating and forms a stringy web. It is said this follows us around and attracts just as many low frequency energies to it as well as leave a trail for others to attract and stick to.

I think Stephanie Bennett Vogt’s lesson is great. We are the product of our environment and of those around us. If we are clearing our clutter with awareness and compassion towards ourselves, then we open ourselves to good possibilities and natural flow of good energy. If we do this, it spreads. And if we help ourselves and those around us, then it can spread further to strangers and the world. That’s the enormity that the lesson is today.

All the power is within ourselves. Put your intentions out there. Attract goodness. Spread it out. But we must always start with self. We can’t help others if we can’t declutter, and release the things or mindsets that hold us back.

Day 124 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - These Looping States of Mind

Photo by Maaike Nienhuis on Unsplash

Lesson 124: These Looping States of Mind...

Today’s lesson is all about those cycling thoughts we have that distract us. By having looping state states of mind, we can really get stuck there, and this in turn attracts lower vibration within ourselves and externally. If we aren’t active in raising our vibration through activity, meditation, being in nature etc, these cycling lower thoughts will drag us down. The lesson is that the negative cycles don’t exist whilst you are trying to increase your own vibration. The simplest thing we can do is take a big, deep breath in, to start changing the vibration.

My viewpoint on having cycling negative thoughts and higher states of a vibration is almost a natural balance in our mind. Now, hear me out. People will speak to the ends of the Earth of being positive and always trying to accomplish this positive mindset. People who are negative and possibly suffer mental illnesses can sometimes be shunned just for being in a certain state for whatever length of time. In fact, there’s so much promotion of being positive, it’s like people don’t want to recognise the negative shapes us also. I’m not saying wallow in darkness. I am most definitely saying recognise those dark thoughts and grow from it. There is a lesson to be learned.

I have negative cycles all the time whilst I’m trying to raise my vibration. We definitely have good and bad days. Of course, I feel better when I do meditation for instance. But if I have something really bothering me, it’ll come back into my mind. To say that looping states of mind do not exist, when we try to raise our vibration, to me is half true. I think whilst we are doing an activity, it can free our mind for a moment, for sure. It’s in those moments when we stop said activity that our mind can wander. And, we shouldn’t feel bad for that. We are trying to balance ourselves with more positive from the negative, but not always can we fully eradicate those looping cycles.

So all in all, I don’t fully agree with today’s lesson. I certainly understand that raising your vibration with mindfulness can really make a difference, but to fully eradicate every negative thought, I just don’t agree with. I think it is human nature to go through ups and downs. And we shouldn’t be made to feel bad if we do have a down. We should always work through it, in order to come out on the other side. Just my two cents.

Day 122 - A Year to Clear - Clutter Goes With Us Everywhere

Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

Lesson 122: Clutter Goes With Us Everywhere

Clutter, follows us like a natural part of our lives, almost like it’s another body part. Sometimes we aren’t even aware something is clutter until we take it upon ourselves to start clearing. Sometimes it’s bugging us until no end until we actually deal with it. if it continually sits there, it starts impacting us and how we act in everything we do. For instance, avoiding clearing an object or thought might mean avoidance of friends in real life – you’ve created this habit of avoidance with a simple task but it transcends into your everyday activity.

Today we are to think about one thing that is stuck in our home and “overstayed its welcome”. I have many things. Right now, it’s my cat tree – the play object with cat scratchers and boxes for cats.  Mine was white and looked nice to begin with. Now it’s dusty, hard to clean, not holding well and sitting near the door to be taken to the bins or if someone from my building wants it, then they can take it. I was just going to place it in the charity collection section. I am trying to create a really nice loving space to be in and I’ve completed one section, though this cat tree is now cluttering that space. I am not sure why I can’t just pick it up and take it down. It’s always one of those “I’ll do it later”. After work today, I will make it a point to bring it down to the charity bin area. That’s asa much as I will commit to today.

Day 120 - A Year to Clear - Filters

Lesson 120: Filters

We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.
— Anaïs Nin

New week equals a new theme and we have “Shining Light On Invisible Clutter." Based on the quote, I feel like this may be the build-up of our thoughts based on our own perceptions. We usually are raised and conditioned on a certain way of thinking based on culture, where you live, religion, your teachers, your parents…  it goes on and on. You definitely do not think the same way as me but we might share similar views on certain topics. Usually the world we create is based on how we are as people. For example, I used to be very materialistic and need to have the latest dress or lipstick as soon as it got released because I had this view that it would make me happy. I had mountains of clothes, many of which I didn’t wear, shoes that filled up closets, make up spilling out of the dressing table. Now, I’m a spiritual being who believes in protecting the environment and thinking of ways I can reduce my environmental impact. I want the minimalist life and use out all my existing clothes until they can’t be worn any longer. I was awakened and there is so much we do on this Earth that does damage that we can probably avoid.

I’m interested to see what this week brings and if my fair assessment of the lesson and quote prove right.

Day 97 - A Year to Clear - Not Clutter

Photo by Marivi Pazos on Unsplash

Photo by Marivi Pazos on Unsplash

Lesson 97: Not Clutter

Things that make your heart sing are not clutter. If they brighten your day, make your life easier, more fun, or feel supremely good...not clutter. Nor extravagance.
— Stephanie Bennett Vogt

Today we are to breathe into this and reflect. It is a good way of taking on a clearing practise – whatever brings you joy, keep the item and whatever doesn’t bring on this same feeling, you can potentially get rid of. I think anything that doesn’t bring you joy would be stale energy just lingering about. Whatever attachment you once had, isn’t the same anymore, so thinking about items and belongings in this way may make the clearing process easier. Our space should be a reflection of the best version of ourselves, so it should really have items and energy that lifts our hearts.