Day 120 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Vibrational Matching is...

Photo by Levi Guzman on Unsplash

Photo by Levi Guzman on Unsplash

Lesson 120: Vibrational Matching is...

Today is about recognising someone today that raises your vibration or matches your vibration versus someone that you struggle to hold a high vibration with. Vibrational matching is simple being around another that you resonate with and match frequencies with. You will definitely know who they are because you feel good energetically when you are with them. Those are the types of people you want to surround yourself with.

Today at work, I hadn’t seen one of my team mates for a week due to leave and we quickly chatted about what was happening. We are quite in tune with how each other operates on a work level so it’s always good to have someone fully understand your point of view. When it comes to raising concerns, we’re on the same page and know what each other want in terms of where we want to take the department. I like being around her because it’s nice to know someone has your back and you’ve got theirs. You don’t necessarily have that in the workplace, let alone life. It’s a good feeling.

In terms of someone I struggle to hold vibration with. I can’t think of anyone. I don’t usually surround myself with people that I don’t resonate with. I mentioned this yesterday. I mean there may be people at work, but that’s very transactional at work anyway. You’re there to do a job, remain civil and get on with it. There are some friends of friends that I don’t hold good vibration with, but I choose to not be around them, unless there is a really good reason to. Like I mentioned previously, my time is precious and it should only ever be filled with people I give a fuck about and I prefer to avoid people I don’t care for. Simple.

How did you go with today’s exercise?

Day 120 - A Year to Clear - Filters

Lesson 120: Filters

We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.
— Anaïs Nin

New week equals a new theme and we have “Shining Light On Invisible Clutter." Based on the quote, I feel like this may be the build-up of our thoughts based on our own perceptions. We usually are raised and conditioned on a certain way of thinking based on culture, where you live, religion, your teachers, your parents…  it goes on and on. You definitely do not think the same way as me but we might share similar views on certain topics. Usually the world we create is based on how we are as people. For example, I used to be very materialistic and need to have the latest dress or lipstick as soon as it got released because I had this view that it would make me happy. I had mountains of clothes, many of which I didn’t wear, shoes that filled up closets, make up spilling out of the dressing table. Now, I’m a spiritual being who believes in protecting the environment and thinking of ways I can reduce my environmental impact. I want the minimalist life and use out all my existing clothes until they can’t be worn any longer. I was awakened and there is so much we do on this Earth that does damage that we can probably avoid.

I’m interested to see what this week brings and if my fair assessment of the lesson and quote prove right.