Day 16 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - There is always light...

Photo by Eric Didier on Unsplash

Photo by Eric Didier on Unsplash

Lesson 16: There is always light...

Lesson 16: There is always light, and there is always dark. As a human being, there is never a time these two do not coexist, commingle, in your life. Both aspects create a whole; this is integration.
— Sara Wiseman

Today’s lesson is targeted at those that do not believe in the existence of light and dark. The exercise involves reading the lesson, pondering on it and consider how your life would change if you believed in your own “divine imperfection” and “divine perfection”. I can tell you about how my life changed when I starting seeing this in my life.

I feel like I’ll be repeating myself but it’s how I changed to see something bigger than me. I was at my lowest point in my life last year after my abortion, crying on a beach in Maldives, asking the universe “What is the point in life? Prove to me there is something bigger than me?” etc and I was so angry and empty. That was by far the darkest point for me and it also continued to plague after that trip. The universe responded to me in the most beautiful way, sending two angel fish to swim around me, and to me I got my answer and got told! It was so beautiful that I cried some more, vowed to make changes in my life because through my darkness there was light. Maybe I had to go through tragedy and sink that low to be shown. Some might say it is coincidence. I say, I needed hope when I felt despair, but that hope is never lost.

It was through that experience where I was exposed to the imbalances we experience in life, and when you feel like you’ve really lost, or have a sense of generally feeling lost, the universe surprises you with a gift of light. I was shown perfection in life through my own imperfection. That’s where my outlook really changed. I have more tolerance for others even when they are untoward, I try to come from a place of understanding when we all have differences in opinions and values and if I disperse an outward position of love that’ll help spread when others feel down in the dumps. We can all make changes in our life by accepting this one concept of light and dark – by not staying in too much of one or the other, and accepting that both exist in all situations, life, nature and in our selves. It's like the force that binds us all together. Totally channeling Star Wars there but it is truth!

Day 16 - A Year to Clear - A-Wear

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Lesson 16: A-Wear

Today’s lesson has us thinking about what we are wearing (including underwear), raise your hand if it’s an outfit we don’t really love or feel uncomfortable in, and then to note down our thoughts.

Right now I’m wearing an outfit that I didn’t want to think about because it’s for work. I don’t really feel that great in it because I just put anything on that is sensible for work purposes. I don’t really care what I look like and don’t care for anyone else’s opinion on it either. Could I look better? Sure. Could I make more of an effort? Sure. Do I want to? Not really. I’ve even stopped wearing make-up just because I can’t be bothered really. I mean if I exercised more and toned up some areas, I think I could look better but for whose standards really?

After noting down my thoughts, I am supposed to acknowledge my feelings whether they are guilt, shame, embarassment etc and think about the possibility to have those feelings simply arise and do nothing to fix it or manage it. I suppose if I cared more about my appearance, this exercise would have been good to learn from. At the moment, I don’t do anything to fix or manage my feelings towards my outward appearance and I don’t think anyone should. My mother always taught me to look presentable and that’s what I do but I don’t go out of my way judging myself with every outfit I put on. I try a bit harder for special occasions but I have accepted myself the way I am so don’t squirm when I look upon myself.