Day 260 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Consciousness Does Not Mean...

Lesson 260: Consciousness Does Not Mean...

When we awaken spiritually, it allows us to see through the illusions that society, others or the world may have placed upon you. It’s clarity that you may not have experienced before. Your consciousness is awake. Today we are to welcome an opportunity where we will be present.

My day consisted of going to my normal day job, going to my tarot reading job and then going to belly dance. I think I am fully present when I am doing my tarot job as that’s a safe place where I can be myself. Not saying I can’t be myself elsewhere, but I feel like there is judgement surrounding what I believe in – that of being a witch and medium. It’s that people sometimes choose to not understand or have the same respect towards me that I have of them. I am very much in the moment when I do readings for others. I want to make sure that I deliver the messages that are right for these people that come to me to have a reading. I need to be fully present and not off in my own world. I need to hang onto their every word and make sure I give messages that relate to their situation. I cannot falter. I use my spirit guides to achieve this. I don’t achieve what I do based on a logical path the world has taught me. A lot of what I do cannot have logic applied and may seem unnatural for some. I feel like my spiritual consciousness is fully awake when I am doing tarot readings.

How do you think your spiritual consciousness delivers being present to your days?

Day 260 - A Year to Clear - Rest and Renew

Lesson 260: Rest and Renew

New week equals a new theme and this week is “Resting”. We are to repeat the phrase “I rest in stillness. I rest in awareness. I rest.” and think about what that means. Do you get enough rest? If you don’t, then why not?

I feel like I could use with more time in the day – to not only do my activities, pursue interests and hobbies as well as get some good rest. I feel that time is something I lose quite often to. And it’s not that I necessarily mismanage my time, it’s more that I don’t have enough of it after working my 9-5 job. I would like to get some good quality rest time and sometimes I do book off random days from work just to do nothing and catch up on rest.

When I repeat those phrases out loud, I feel like I need to welcome more of this into my life. It seems simple enough to be still and aware in that stillness. I think I need more stillness in my life. When I am still and free of thought, it’s calming and peaceful – I feel free. If I could do this with a lot of my time and it not escape from me, I would spend hours every day doing it. I just feel like I have things to achieve in my life and it requires my attention. We shall see what this week brings in rest.