Day 282 - A Year to Clear - Press the Pause Button

Photo by Kylo on Unsplash

Photo by Kylo on Unsplash

Lesson 282: Press the Pause Button

Become a master of the pause — whether saying grace before a meal or taking a few quiet unrushed breaths before a meeting or phone call. Find pause breaks during your day to reset to a relaxed rhythm. Listen to some classical or peaceful music. Learn to shift your rhythm instead of being caught in high speed all the time.
— Stephan Rechtschaffen, GPS for the Soul

Today we are to do one thing where we can “press the pause button”. Anything at all to just take a quiet moment.

Throughout the day, I do take quiet moments for myself. I just don’t see the point in rushing. You can get to the same outcome by taking your time and not overwhelming yourself. Sometimes I will put on some music at work because I can’t deal with all the noise around me. When I feel like there is too much work going on. I just breathe, read through the task thoroughly and from there make a decision on what to do.

When I got home today, I didn’t go rushing into my blogs. I lay on my couch and had a moment. Just some rest on my couch whilst I browsed Facebook. I probably spent one hour there to just pause and relax.

I feel like sometimes life gets hectic and my life has been events, catching up with people or just doing activities that enrich my life. Last Sunday, I legit didn’t do much. I lay in bed, watch TV, caught up on blog posts and worked on my business website. It was nice to not go out and take some extra naps and relaxed into what I was doing with no rush at all. It was a welcoming break to my busy life. Everything was slowly paced and I didn’t really look at the time and set myself deadlines. Just did things in my own time. I do want to do this more often and I will!

What was something you did today to press pause?

Day 281 - A Year to Clear - 7th Inning Stretch

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Lesson 281: 7th Inning Stretch

How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward.
— Spanish Proverb

New week equals a new theme and this week we have “Taking a Breather”. It was mentioned that we are in the final quarter of the course and it’s a time for rest.

I think it may be a time for reflection. To look back on the year so far and the progress that we’ve made. I certainly feel like I’ve changed as a person. I think for the better. There are times when I lapse in what I’m doing but, in those moments, it’s very much that I am so hectic I forget to rest. I think I try to cram in too much and then pay for it later.

I have been trying to use m weekends with days of doing not much. I may do some chores, take an extra nap and then read or relax with TV. I think doing something minimal just resets the body.

Will see what this weeks lessons brings.

Day 266 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 38 - Resting

Lesson 266: Check In WEEK 38 - Resting


The week was to focus on rest and taking some time out to recognise the need for self-care and self-love. I actually avoided doing blog posts just because I was so tired and didn’t have brain power to do them. I’ve been back dating them on my blog haha! I have been focusing on creative activities and making sure I was getting some extra sleep that I needed. I have spent this whole Sunday just taking it easy – was doing chores, had a nap, looked for a private creative space, watching Brooklyn 99 whilst catching up on all my blog posts. I like full days I have to myself to do whatever I need to. I used to feel bad for not making use of my day, because it seemed like it was a waste, but then again, our bodies and minds just sometimes need a day of doing nothing or filling it with relaxing activities. I think it’s important to make time for rest now. I have been so hectic lately that this has been a good reminder.

Day 264 - A Year to Clear - The Benefits of Sleep

Photo by Joanna Nix on Unsplash

Photo by Joanna Nix on Unsplash

Lesson 264: The Benefits of Sleep

Sleep research shows that below the surface of a peaceful snooze, a complex physiological process is taking place. . .While we sleep, sophisticated sequences of brain waves transform our inert bodies into humming power stations that produce intelligence, alertness and discernment. . . Surrendering to slumber does more than just restore the ability to function efficiently — it actually generates that clear and transparent state of mind we call wakefulness.
— Veronique Vienne

Today we are to try and close our eyes and take a nap. Just making more room for rest to allow restoration within self. If you are not able to do this, try repeating the recent lesson of “I rest in stillness. I rest in awareness. I rest” instead which should allow some restoration for you there and then.

I did spend most of my Friday with a friend preparing for a feast for the next day. I did however fall asleep on his couch. I had some food and needed a nap. It was only short. Even though I did this unintentionally, I felt revitalised and more awake from it. I was able to just switch off for a moment and it restored me with more energy.

I actually enjoy naps. I always find I’m better for it. I don’t always take them as I’m trying not to become dependent on them. But if I am feeling exhausted, I will opt for it. I think taking a few hours out of your day because your body needs it, is more than okay. We all have commitments we have whether it’s to other people, work and to your household, though sometimes we just need to commit to ourselves. You shouldn’t feel bad for wanting to replenish yourself so you can be your best.

Day 263 - A Year to Clear - Reflections on Rest

Lesson 263: Reflections on Rest

Based on the meditation that was done from the previous lesson, today is about reflecting on the repeated phrases of “I rest in stillness. I rest in awareness. I rest” and filling out these statements:

  • When I am truly and deeply rested, I feel______

  • What gets in the way of my getting deep rest is______

  • What I can do to cultivate more rest in my life (starting today)______



My answers:

  • When I am truly and deeply rested, I feel rejuvenated and energised.

  • What gets in the way of my getting deep rest is a hectic schedule.

  • What I can do to cultivate more rest in my life (starting today) is saving days for just rest for self and not making commitments for others if I am in need of deep rest.