Day 10 - A Year to Clear - Nothing to Do

park bench

Lesson 10: Nothing to Do

Today we are to do nothing. Nothing in the sense of, let’s not try and fix anything. We are to be aware of the sensations going through our body but do anything to change them – just be aware of them. I am just to report on what I am feeling right this second – do my hands tingle? Is my breathing shallow? What’s moving in my body etc

Right now I’m just sitting here at room temperature, not feeling hot or cold. My breathing is pretty relaxed as I’m not doing anything strenuous, though I was dancing in my chair to Reggaeton Lento (Bailemos) as I put it on Youtube. My left knee hurts slightly as I sometimes get an ache there from my inactivity or if I exercise too much. I also feel slightly bloated. My nose is really itchy because of hayfever and even though I have taken medication this morning, it’s being annoying. I feel tired and my eyes heavy though it’s only 10 am so I should be wide awake. I think I start to feel tired when I am bored. I feel the stress of others right now, it’s emanating around in a negative sense but I’m not doing anything to change their stress levels. I feel their energy but try not to absorb. In most part, I feel pretty standard.