Day 111 - A Year of Spirituality - The Opening of the Human Heart

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Lesson 111: The Opening of the Human Heart...

As we go through the passages of the heart, we become more open. I think it can be part of anyone’s journey if we want to be open. We have moved through pain and also compassion. For some people it can take mere minutes to work through each passage, for others it can take years. As I do this course, I realise that everyone has their own pace but it’s about being aware. Today’s lesson is all about thinking about where we are in our soul growth journey.

I think I am definitely past the pain passage of the heart. I don’t really have ill feelings toward anything from my past that may have caused me pain. I know I’ve mentioned this before but hypnotherapy really got me to a good place. When I think about compassion, I definitely think I hold more for others than I do myself. I am still learning to hold a lot more compassion for myself. I believe that we all are a bit too hard on ourselves which makes us not hold as much compassion. I think I just need to forgive myself for mistakes, that are after all, just mistakes we need to learn from. I believe I still have compassion to work on though believe I’m right where I need to be on my soul growth.

I think I’m a much better person now, than I have ever been in my life and there is so much learning to do. I can only really expand from here.

Day 109 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Purpose of Life

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Lesson 109: The Purpose of Life...

The purpose of life is not perfection. The purpose of life is soul growth. As humans, we experience soul growth in the expansion of our hearts through the four passages: Pain, Compassion, Connection, Love. This is all we need to do here, in this lifetime. There is no other journey.
— Sara Wiseman

Today’s lesson is all about how you approach life. If all that mattered in life was our soul growth, does the way you live change? I think we need to think about expanding minds to this concept and in doing so, it would definitely change our perspective. I believe just being open to it, indicates a change, whether we admit it or not.

For me personally, I have been open to the idea that we live to grow our souls. I don’t live a life of perfection. I haven’t lived this way for some time. I live for experience – the way I connect with people, the way I learn from myself and others, the unique memories I create. When I changed my way of being and living, it’s opened me up to so many more possibilities. I think I’ve learned more about myself in the past 10 months than I have my whole life. I had to sink to the deepest low to realise the strength I had and how it was one of the most memorable moments to launch me onto my spiritual path.

Everything we do is about engaging with other souls as well as work on our own souls. When we realise we are all interconnected from an energetic and sacred geometrical level, we all are one. We can grow as a whole if we want to. It’s about opening yourself and then opening others us to this way of being. This is what I am doing. This is what you can do also.

Day 55 - A Year to Clear - One Thing About Me

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Lesson 55: One Thing About Me

Today's lesson is about completing this statement:

  • One thing about me that I love and want to cultivate more of in my life is______

I think everyone knows what I want out of my life.

  • One thing about me that I love and want to cultivate more of in my life is creativity. I am writing more which I honestly have never done so much of in my life. I am wanting to draw more or learn to do more technique. I want to master handwriting, write more poems and learn to play piano. There is so much creativity locked inside and I am really trying my hardest to really explore my talents this year. It's going to be one of the best years yet!

Day 55 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Wrong Path

Photo by Lane Jackman on Unsplash

Photo by Lane Jackman on Unsplash

Lesson 55: When you see people heading down the wrong path...

I knew this weekend I was going to have a busy weekend with work and mediumship class, which didn’t really leave me with much time to post. Saturday’s lesson goes onto our need to fix others. When we see people going down a wrong path, we usually have an opinion about it right? We usually have our own viewpoints of what is right in another’s situation and what’s wrong based on our own morals and values. We tend to suggest a different way because we genuinely want to help but also tend to forget that everyone has their own path for their own soul growth.

Saturday’s exercise focuses on who have we been trying to fix lately and is it working? If we knew the outcome would be the same whether we tried to fix it or not, what would you do? And then the final question is for whose soul path are we responsible for and if we’re really sure about that.

I try not to fix people’s lives. I know I tend to give advice that I think would really help but I don’t feel like I’m out to directly fix people’s lives. I know from my own experience that I am the only person responsible for my life and therefore need to be accountable for all my actions. I feel this is the way everyone should be. I can listen and offer assistance, but ultimately, it’s your choice to listen and then make choices for what’s best. The only time I feel people should listen to me is when I’ve delivered a message from spirit. I know those times, you really need to listen to what’s being conveyed because it’s not even my advice, it’s that of the other side. There is something larger at play in those instances and I am just a messenger. I know not everyone believes in talking to spirit, but if I’m doing a card reading for you, then the message coming is important. In saying that, I don’t think I’m out to fix you, I’m just giving some advice for your direction from spirit.

I don’t feel anyone should be responsible for anyone else’s soul path. Everyone has a journey they need to go on and have their own experiences and learnings to be had. Sure, you can share your journey with others, though any decision you make in life is yours and yours alone. We’re there for assistance but definitely not fixing. That’s just my opinion. Answering the question if the result was the same, what would you do – I wouldn’t be fixing anyone in the first place but if I was, I’d stop because end result would be the same. Think about people you’ve been trying to fix lately and take a step back to think about why.

Day 43 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - We do not get a big map...

Lesson 43: We do not get a big map...

Today’s lesson goes through the fact that we are not given a map in life. We are meant to explore and journey, always being taken down a path our hearts directs us to.  I am to look at where I am at today and look back at how I got here today. Is this enough to trust and move me forward?

I have such a history with so many milestones, events, trauma, sadness, anger, happiness and love that has got me here today. I feel like it would be a novel to write out everything.

I am a child of divorce, watched my mother suffer through some of the toughest times in life, and then she overcame her adversity through religion, faith and patience. She recently remarried and is happy once more.

I don’t have a good relationship with my father. I was mentally and emotionally abused and it plagued me with self-esteem and confidence issues that very much carried through my adult life. It’s still a part of my life that I need to work through and I know I will. Him cheating on my mum also didn’t help.

I had a very long term relationship and I can say that I know what it is to love and experience love. I am very grateful to have experienced this and it is wonderful having love. Even though I am not with this person anymore, there were a lot of good memories and growth from that moment in my life.

I had an abortion last year that majorly changed my life. At the time it felt like a punishment and I didn’t understand why I had to go through it, but without that happening to me, I wouldn’t have connected with the Universe like I have now. I am on my spiritual path through such sadness and loss. It opened my eyes to the pettiness that surrounds me and I recognise what I need to surround myself with.

Travelling always makes me feel good to see how other people live and my last trip to Thailand seriously changed my life. Seeing a community come together to change and save elephants is heart-warming and opened me up to wanting to do more in the world.

Remembering has been a large part of my path. I do not want to live with regret, so I am remembering all the things I wanted to try as a child, and had no confidence to do. I am trying to learn different types of dance, writing again and will learn a language. There is so much time we have left and we tend to limit ourselves by saying “I am too old”. I never want to limit myself in any way so I am going to do all the things I missed out on.

Right now, I’m the best I’ve ever been. Even though it’s a rocky road, I know I have the power to direct my life. I am the only person that can bring joy to my life and I should never rely on someone else to do this for me. I have so much trust in the universe that things will work out, I don’t tend to overthink the future. It’s a good feeling to let go in this way and trust. If you had spoken to me 2 years ago, I wouldn’t have ever thought I’d have this feeling. It’s kind of satisfying in its own way. I’ve got goals to achieve and if I work hard towards them, open myself to receiving, then the universe will answer. It’s amazing trusting in something that is bigger than yourself.