Day 318 - A Year to Clear - See Yourself

Lesson 318: See Yourself

Seeing takes time.
— Georgia O'Keeffe

Today we are to take a photo of ourselves and truly look at it. What is it that makes you fond of that photo? What do you see in yourself?

LiLi Loves Elephant Thailand

One of my fav pictures of me in this whole world is the time I got to go to Thailand and spend it volunteering in an elephant village. It was to educate the owners that they don’t need to use their elephants for exploitation. That the elephants don’t need to have their spirit broken (phajaan) in order for the owners to use them for entertainment purposes. It’s to try and stop these inhumane practises and teach them that people are happy to visit these elephants without extreme measures taking place.

We get told that we are not to stand in between elephants as they can literally crush you and you would be seriously injured. If you do, it’s at your own risk. I was very new on my spiritual path when I took this solo journey to Thailand. I was having a nice day in the creek washing our elephants when I thought how nice it would be to connect my mind to my elephant. I decided to lay my head against hers and see if we could connect. She murmured as I held my head against hers. It was a really beautiful moment. I threw caution to the wind to share a most memorable moment being loved by this elephant. All I felt was calm and peace. It was magical and I am so grateful. In that moment, one of my friends took this photo of me.

It’s one of the most precious photos I have. I love the stillness in that moment. That my mind was away and free of pain, hurt, stress and darkness. I had been having the roughest time of my life and I wanted to bring more light into it. It’s in this photo that I captured a pure moment and it always reminds me of the love all of us beings can experience. I do want to return to this village to volunteer again. It really was one of the best experiences of my life and I wish I had more time there.

What’s a moment you captured that is your fondest memory?

Day 220 - A Year to Clear - The Self In Self-Care

Photo by Bobbo Sintes on Unsplash

Photo by Bobbo Sintes on Unsplash

Lesson 220: The Self In Self-Care

When do you really take time for self-care? Do you feel that you only focus on yourself once everyone else in your life has been taken care of? Do you make sure all the chores are done and only look after yourself when you’re sick, as taking time for self-care?

The self in self-care is just that – focusing on self. This does not include others and also does not include doing things for other people. It’s about doing things that benefit and feeds our self. When was the last time you really took the time out for yourself and how did it feel? Can you think of the last time you really put your needs over someone else’s?

I feel like I’m on a journey of self-care and that every day should have moments of self-care. My current path has been connecting to my spiritual side which I haven’t really done before. I feel like feeding my spirit is part of my self-care. My meditation, my belly dancing, magick and medium classes are all part of my own self-care. Some days when I’m late for blogging is because I’ve focused on other things that seem way more important at the time. There are days when I just want to sprawl on the couch and binge watch tv shows. I think we just need some of those days where we don’t use our minds as much because giving our brain a rest is just what we need. I think self-care is all about what you and your body need at the time. Sometimes I will go for a walk because it’s refreshing. Sometimes I will want to read or study or sleep. I guess the remedies are endless when it comes to your overall wellbeing and it’s best to do what you need to. It’s also good to remember that no one can dictate what is good for your self-care.

Day 118 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Law of Gravity

Photo by Andrea Reiman on Unsplash

Lesson 118: The Law of Gravity...

The law of gravity affects the body of human on earth. The law of levity rules the Divine nature of human on earth. Eventually, over time, everything rises: emotion, vibration, essence.
— Sara Wiseman

Thinking about the quote, we all have the ability to grow over time. This usually involves some inner work, awareness, dealing with our hard truths and opening ourselves. The notion today is that we all can become Divine. How would this impact your life or how you think of yourself, if you understood that we can continually expand to become this?

I believe that the journey I am on, is essentially to become this. I have so much to learn for sure, and in no way claim that I’m close to being Divine. There is so much work I have to do internally and then I want to spread that out to others. Not only this, but I want to gain the wisdom I need to be able to awaken others. I know I am raising my own vibration and frequency. I can say that I am in no way the same person I was last year. I have been awakened and I cannot waste the spiritual path that I’m on. I am still learning and growing. I know that what I’m doing is my journey and it’ll go at whatever pace it’s meant to. I have come to accept that each person’s journey is their own, and I will be given what I need by the Universe when I need to know.

My life is great. I am grateful for what I have and recognise that I’m in a better position than others. I have good support, a roof over my head, money to buy myself food… which is a lot more than what others receive. I value myself a lot more than I ever have. I believe this spiritual path has really opened me to more acceptance. I have higher regard for myself and that wasn’t always something I did for myself. It’s funny seeing this now, when I never used to. I say it with such confidence because I’m a much brighter person that the person I used to be. It’s amazing what spirituality can do for you. It’s the light that leads the way in your life and it gives you a sense of knowing and purpose. My hope is to truly spread this one day. I write these blog posts because it’s a start of something bigger that I want to do. I want to expand so that others can too.

Day 103 - A Year to Clear - Your Best Self

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Lesson 103: Your Best Self

It’s simple. Your life is how you see it. No one can beat you at being you.
— Joel Osteen

Today we are to write down all the words that describe our best self.  From there, focus attention to t for the day and without any apology.


My words:

·         Energetic

·         Unapologetic

·         Lively

·         Caring

·         Friendly

·         Nice

·         Patient

·         Loving

·         Adventurous

·         Fearless

·         Unworried

·         Empowered

·         Creative

·         Strong

·         Enriched

·         Enthusiastic

·         Fulfilled


There are probably a lot more words but then I feel they would be much of the same as the above. Today I will focus on being more energetic since I’ve felt drained 1 week ago. I was using a clear quartz crystal to do this for me this week and I felt good. I forgot to put it on today so I am on my own.

I will feed off the energy of the sun and just be my best self. It has actually made me wonder why we don’t just live the best versions of ourselves all the time. Maybe that is the lesson. Nothing stopping us from being all these things we want to be!

Day 102 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - As We Have Discussed

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

Lesson 102: As We Have Discussed...

We may find it easier to hold compassion for others. I actually think compassion for others is easier than holding for compassion for me. In this lesson it’s mentioned that people see themselves as not “worthy” of compassion of their self. But what really makes us different from the next person? Nothing really…. We are all beings that can hold compassion towards others and ourselves. It shouldn’t be different from one person to the next. So why is it difficult?

The lesson today is to think about all our good deeds. We are to think about the good deeds outweighing the bad deeds. If we think in this way, do you find it is easier to hold compassion for yourself? I guess by seeing all the good you do, and thinking that it trumps the bad, it’s easier to look at ourselves and tell our self it’s okay.

What if we reversed it and the bad outweighed the good? Can you hold compassion then? We should be able to do this because it shouldn’t be any different. The idea for today is that god and bad doesn’t really exist when it comes to compassion and that of which we direct towards ourselves.

For me, I think I’ve focused so heavily on the bad, well I’ll say negative things that have happened to me, and sometimes it’s truly hard to get past. I think I am a good, decent person who tries to live by my words, but I tend to weigh myself down with the bad shit that’s happened. I do have to tell myself that yes, it happened but there’s nothing I can change from it. Learn from it and grow. I think when I remind myself of those good times, it’s easier to hold compassion during those tough times. I am just like anyone else who gives things a try but they may not always work out. It’s just a constant reminder we need to hold for ourselves and then this makes compassion for self easier.