Day 323 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Understand the Steps...

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Lesson 323: When You Understand the Steps...

We’ve been learning about the passages of the heart all year. By learning how to move from pain, to compassion, connection and to love, it allows you to hold high vibration at any given time. Sure, there are times when you will forget to apply this cycle, but you can build on this in order to always hold the tools within you to reach a state of love. We can build our lows into highs. You don’t have to have worries, have things bother you or stress about situations. All it takes is a moment to pause and run these challenges you have through pain, compassion, connection and love. Today we are to think about something that is bothering us. Run through the passages of the heart and see how easy this is for you.

I just went through people that have annoyed me this week. My pain is my annoyance. I applied compassion, telling myself that everyone is human and do things we don’t always understand. I then moved into the relationships I hold with these people and the connection I have with them otherwise they wouldn’t be my friend. Finally, I realised the joy we all bring to each other’s lives and that is love. It was very easy to achieve this and I feel weight lifted off – which was my annoyance.

It’s so easy to do this then why don’t we apply it often enough? It takes practise and patience for sure! I still fail at this sometimes but I am always trying to be better. Sometimes we just don’t take a moment to pause and really think about moving through the passages to apply love. Ultimately, this is what we want to achieve in life right? To love unconditionally for all beings and that be pure.

Keep at it! You are achieving so much in your life just by recognising you want to awaken something bigger than yourself.

Day 305 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Create...

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Lesson 305: When You Create...

When you create with the energy of intention, with your mind, energy is created—it is manifested for you. However, it is not possible to manifest from lower vibration: pain, fear, anger. It is not even possible to manifest from compassion. You must move into heart of connection. Oneness is the vibration that is required.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to meditate through our heart of connection and think about what we would like to create. We are not to manifest however, but just hold the vibration and allow that vibration to lead us to where we need to go.

I decided to hold space in my heart for being creative, making new friends, a new job (after a redundancy) and meeting a new partner. I don’t think these things will come to me instantly. I just closed my eyes and thought about connection. For some reason, I saw a youngish woman running and hiding behind a wall in a playful way. Not sure what that was about, but then I imagined my heart light shining out and connecting all over the world. My light was shining bright and just reaching out all over. For a new job, I pictured HR looking at my CV and choosing it for an appropriate role. I think by spreading my energy out in this way and allowing that vibration to reach others, it may just lead me to what I would like to create.

Now, I am typing this and seeing how the next week goes. Will hopefully have an update with what comes about.

Day 296 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - We best understand...

Lesson 296: We Best Understand...

…when we humanise everything. If a guide or angel appears to us, it would be something we can comprehend – for example, wings, a long dress, flowing hair. In actual fact, they aren’t really in this shape or form but appear in this way so we can accept them because that’s what we’ve been taught. Today we are to think about if a guide or angel appeared to us, what do you think they would look like? What kind of clothing would they be wearing? Close your eyes and connect and see what happens.

I have all my guides appear in a humanised way. My angels have wings and look like what I’ve been taught they look like from religious texts. My animal guides are exactly that, animals. my grand parents appear exactly how they looked like in their human life. I have guides that take on human form even though they are not human – they are higher beings. Even gods and goddesses that appear are in human form though they could be balls of energy in true form for all I know. Each entity has their own personality. I think the guides that lived on Earth are more relatable as they know what it’s like to be human. All the other guides are just trying to connect so that my mind can comprehend what they are. I am not sure if they will ever show true form. They may show me when I am ready. Some of my guides are serious. Some are playful. Some are here to support me. Some are here to guide me through my path. I think each has their own jobs to do and assume the roles that they were given.

What did you find with your guides?

Day 295 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Guides and Angels Are...

Lesson 295: Guides and Angels Are...

Guide and angels are energetic entities. They don’t look like they appear to us; they create this imagery, so we can relate to them more easily. Their vibration is much higher than we can see!
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to answer the question of “Do you see or sense entities?”. Can you take a moment now and see what you are feeling and if there is a presence around you? Can you feel a shift in vibration by inviting a good entity in? Does it scare you or do you feel warmth?

I am probably going to sound like a broken record, but I do see, sense and hear entities all the time – I mean more so if I open myself up to it, sometimes just randomly in every day life. I learned how to do this through a medium teacher and I am thankful as it’s helping me grow on my spiritual path. The one thing I was afraid of when I was beginning is that I might invite something bad and sinister in. I think a lot of people have that fear, but over time, I learned that you can only invite bad entities in if you allow it. If you are inviting energy that is high in vibration, then you will only have the good entities come.

Whenever I connect with these guides, spirits, angels, gods and goddesses I feel better. Like the weight is lifted off my shoulders and I feel reassured. There is always a good message that I can draw from them. There is always a lesson. I think we can gain so much guidance and answers by allowing a higher vibration into our life. It’s just about being willing to be open to the Divine. People find it in different ways and my wish in this world is if everyone can be open to receive. That would be a really tough job as there are so many non-believers, but if everyone was willing, the world would be such a peaceful, accepting environment.

Day 199 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Group Thought, When it Moves Into...

Lesson 199: Group Thought, When it Moves Into...

… fear, you can feel it surround you. There may be times when you are so encapsulated by the group thought that it’s something you just absorb. If you’re able to maintain your own high vibration, then good work on your part because that’s a feat in itself. When you walk the crowds on the way to work, when you’re in a restaurant, when you’re out shopping, you may notice the vibrations of group thought. Today is about bringing about understanding when there is group fear, group anger, group frustration. Do you notice the impact it has on you? We are to take notice today but also look at being aware of raising energy through those lower times of vibration.


Well I failed at this again today. Group thought in my work place was frustration and I really just moulded into that thought. I was fully aware that I don’t have the best of attitudes right now and I admitted that to my team mate. I actually believe that by talking about actually helps me release and then I can vibe at a higher level. I think for me personally, I need to apply more awareness. Not only surrounding my own feelings but how I influence others within that group thought. I was venting a little bit today and actually apologised for it, because I should have thought of a better way. I should have thought about a way to turn my situation around rather than just bitch about it. I guess I was not only absorbing group thought but was an instigator of it also.

I will try my hardest tomorrow to raise my vibration to a positive state. If I don’t think about what is causing this frustration at work, then it won’t enter my mind and therefore I will not influence others. It is something I know I need to work on, so I will do this task over the next few days and hope that I become the better person I know I can be by being a better example.