Day 49 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 7 - Going Slow to Go Fast

Photo by Ryan Johnston on Unsplash

Photo by Ryan Johnston on Unsplash

Lesson 49: Check In WEEK 7 - Going Slow to Go Fast

End of another week. I've always found lists to be helpful in tackling life tasks, but never thought to make a sub-list to that list. I have liked the lesson of really breaking it down and taking your time to action each task. How many actions will it take for you to clear one task, but also taking time with those actions.

Being able to break it down will also trigger less stressful responses. I like having reassurance that it's okay to action clearing tasks, or any tasks for that matter, in your own time. You shouldn't let yourself be guided by other people's standards and take the time you need to clear. 

Day 48 - A Year to Clear - To Do Or Not To Do

Photo by Daniel Monteiro on Unsplash

Lesson 48: To Do Or Not To Do

Saturday’s lesson is not so much of a lesson but a reminder of this slow drip method. People often stop to wonder how to clear physical spaces but Stephanie reminds us that it’s a slow drip method taking on the “emotional stuckness and resisting patterns” in order to release. It’s more than just physical excess and it’s about the emotional reaction we get through our clearing processes.

I sometimes do get frustrated at this course but I find that it’s got such a great beneficial outcome. It helps with me to overcome overwhelm and manage it but also that stuck memories and habits come up for release. You don’t realise how much self-improvement you need until you’re actual faced with some confronting truths. Stephanie always mentions that it’s not a race - such a simple concept and yet difficult at the same time. I think in the environment I’m in, everything is very much a race. Everyone is competitive and always have something to prove. I don’t really feel like I care as much as people do in trying to be the best at work, or trying to show off that they have all these cool material items that I don’t have. I really don’t care about that anymore. I most certainly used to. I believe if we can stop caring so much about what others think, it makes for some really good self care.

Day 43 - A Year to Clear - Baby Steps

Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash

Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash

Lesson 43: Baby Steps

New week equals a new theme. The theme for Week 7 is "Going Slow to Go Fast."

Today is applauding the progress so far and knowing that we are rewiring the brain. I am to note what changes and new clearing habits that I’ve noticed.

I think the most noticeable action I’ve taken is when emotions arise to tell myself “it’s just weather” and then I breathe through it. I am breathing through everything especially any anxiety that comes up. It’s been a good tool to just get some calmness into my body and mind.

Apart from this, I am taking on the observer position more often. This helps gain more perspective and to regain control of overwhelm.

Definitely is a gradual process for a much bigger picture.