Day 7 - A Year to Clear - Departing


Lesson 7: Check In WEEK 1 - Departing

I actually discovered when my weekends are full of plans, I actually run out of time to do my 365 day challenges. I need to reassess how to do these without running behind or maybe I shouldn't stress and just do it when I can.

Anyway, today’s lesson was just to ask how we’re feeling so far and if we’ve noticed any dreams, thoughts, shifts etc that wasn’t there before. Nothing is currently in depth and people might feel like nothing is really happening at this point. I personally think it’s all fluffy at the moment until we get to some real nitty gritty tasks  along the track. I wasn’t expecting hard work right from the get go, though I can see why others may be disappointed at how it’s progressing. Personally, I feel like it’s about growth as an individual and that certainly does not happen overnight. I like the fact that what’s been mentioned is about taking slow steps to become less overwhelmed – only handle as much as you can handle.

Stephanie mentions “You are right where you should be. You do not need to try so hard. And you are not missing a thing. ;-) Have fun with this.” I am really looking to see what unfolds. I don’t want to rush things as every day is a new lesson and if it came in too hard, I think that’d be harder to manage than this slow approach. Steady she goes!