Your Oracle Message - Trust

Are you need of a message today?


I've had previous cards surrounding trust.

There has been trust in the creator/god/source/the universe and having faith that a higher power has your back. With talk about facing previous events to move forward, having new beginnings and truly thinking about what you want to pursue in life, trusting that a higher power is sending you messages for your path or steering you in the right direction, has never been more prevalent than now.

Trust can also be letting your guard down as there's someone in your life, or they are coming into your life, where you want to have a deeper connection with this person. We have reasons as to why we have our walls up and slowly letting someone in, means not only that you get to strengthen that relationship, but if you have a good positive vibe from them, then you might feel like it flow naturally because they are trustworthy.

Today, this card is about trusting the decisions you make. You may feel like you don't want to make decisions because of the outcome. If we go into things with pre-conceived ideas, that's our fear taking over. It's best to just make the decision, no matter if the outcome is a success or failure, as even mistakes allows us to learn and grow. If it works out well, why wouldn't you try doing what you need to do towards what you want to do? It can add to your overall happiness. Don't see things that may fail, instead go in with an open mind, so you can learn along the way.

Your Oracle Message - Trust

Are you need of a message today?

Trust - All is as it should be

When I look at this card, I feel like it's a warm hug from the universe. Whatever you believe in, there is a higher power looking out for you. This card is reminder to have faith and trust in that higher power.

Everything that's happened in your life up until this point will all make sense, or it might not make sense right away, but it eventually will. You'll understand why you've gone through certain experiences, as it's all a growing and learning journey. It's definitely an individual journey too. This may be a time for you to open up to your spiritual side.

I can understand when you might not want to trust in a higher power, especially when you feel like things have gone wrong in your life or some not so positive events have occurred. Just know that when you are ready to accept things as they are, facing those past situations, you will come up on top as you move forward from it. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and something the universe will hold on for you towards your bright future.

It does take effort on our part to think about what we want to achieve in life. It requires internal reflection and when we do that internal self exploration, we can set our intention to manifest our reality. It's about having trust in that higher power cheering you on and by having faith in it, it's always going to have your back. As long as you're acting from the kindness of your heart to those around you, sending good energy out into the world, practicing gratitude and working towards your goals, the universe is always there supporting you. It's always going to send you messages and opportunities your way to help create a bright future for you.

We all have personal struggles and we may have to go through it to grow and learn. This card is a reassurance that everything will be okay. The universe always creates a space that is loving, warm, safe and secure. If you place your faith and trust in it, see it come back to you in some way, shape or form.