Your Oracle Message - Spiritual Evolution

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Spiritual Evolution - Set Your Heart Free

Are you on or about to start on your spiritual journey? It's time to expand your horizons

I interpret setting your heart free as opening your heart to the possibilities. The universe, spirit guides, ancestors, our creator... has been waiting to help you and it's always been there wanting to have a deeper connection with you. Not only can this expand our consciousness, but it opens our hearts to be more receiving to whatever comes our way.

By establishing or furthering our connection to a higher power, we start to understand our place in the universe and we have more assurance that things will be okay. We may have slumps from time to time with doubt and negative self speak, but when we focus ourselves through meditation, or establishing a connection to our energy (and what energy we put out there), what we receive when we deepen our thoughts and feelings to a higher power, there brings about a clarity to your life. There's no ifs and buts about what's going to happen and you start to find you have more certainty.

Having faith and trust in a higher power will help guide you on the right path. Everyone's journey will be different but at its core, it's about loving yourself, accepting love and spreading it. As well as this notion, you will find answers that are larger than yourself. You will learn how you fit into this large expansive universe.

When we accept this higher power into our hearts, we all have our own expansion and evolution. You may find people coming into your life that are on a similar journey as you deepen your connection to the universe. It's a beautiful journey and embrace all that comes your way on this spiritual path.