Your Oracle Message - New Dawn
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New Dawn
There's those song lyrics.. it's a new dawn, it's a new day and that's very much what this card is signalling. There is massive change that is about to occur in your life.
There have been past cards indicating to us to move on from things that do not serve us any more - this can be old patterns/thoughts, distractions, toxic people, past events/traumas, careers we're not satisfied in... Whatever it may be, the universe is indicating a closing of a chapter, so that you can start a new one.
We may be afraid to take the next step because it's unfamiliar territory. Though that may be scary, it can also be exciting because of all the opportunities if we're open to it. But what if you went into it with an open mind? If we have a positive outlook to the next beginning, then it may not seem as daunting. Being stuck in routine, keeps us within a comfort zone, though the universe may want you to shake things up a bit.
So don't be afraid to take the next step towards what you want to pursue in life or there's a dream you want to achieve. Be open to what the universe sends you on your path as new exciting things are ahead.