Your Oracle Message - Expansion

Are you need of a message today?

Expansion - educate your mind and senses

This is your time to focus on your own personal evolution. How can you grow, learn, experience and gain knowledge to expand your heart and mind?

Sometimes we are so caught up in routine and what others have taught us, that we haven't ventured out to learn something new or experience for ourselves.

This message can also be for those healing from a past event or trauma - by moving forward to be in a more expansive place as an individual.

This is also reminding us to educate our mind and senses. As a simplistic example, if you want the same foods every day, you're not really expanding your senses in different ways. Could you be more mindful when it comes to your senses? What if you tried something new from a different culture?This could expand your sense or smell and taste, but as you're trying something new, you get to experience a piece of that culture.

Our education comes from our own personal want to learn more about things we don't know. Teachers, friends and family have taught us along the way of what they know, but as we grow older, we learn about matters that are closer aligned to our personality, morals and values. We may break away from what we've been taught as part of our personal expansion.

We can do this in small steps, to keep adding and consuming information that is going to add value to you. What you gain is only for you and not for others. Open your mind to the possibilities. Start a new hobby, learn a new skill or say yes to a new experience. It all adds up to your own evolution.