Your Oracle Message - Authenticity
/Are you need of a message today?
There seems to be a running theme with my cards lately - that we need to start living to our truest selves by having some internal reflection.
We need to search deep within our soul to figure out what our heart most desires, needs and wants. No one can figure this out for you, it must come from within. Take a moment to pause and think about it. Maybe meditate or pray on getting guidance.
You may need to lay out steps for yourself towards your goals and dreams. You could even create a vision board to start working towards what it is you want to achieve and pursue in life. It could be a career, a passion, a hobby or whatever it is you want to put out into the world. In doing that, you start living as your authentic and true self.
We've all been raised on how others have taught us - teachers, family and friends. They have guided us and given us a baseline to learn from and go forth into the world. We have a set of guidelines and rules of how we operate in society. As we develop into adults, we may develop our own morals and values as what we've been taught starts to not align with us. We grow into our own.
This card is a reminder to think about everything that is true to you. Some of us are still figuring it out, and that's more than okay! As adults we can lose ourselves as we're taking on adult responsibilities which can take precedence in our lives. We might not follow our passions and hobbies because we have more important things we have to do. Though now is the time to think about how we can live as our authentic selves.
What does truly living as you look like? Only you can answer this question. Have some self reflection and understand what it is you truly want out of life. Once you know, then it's about living to it- pursing your goals and dreams without fear, intuitively doing what's right to you and going with the flow.