Your Oracle Message - Mindful Wisdom
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Mindful Wisdom - Create Inner Harmony
You are the only person that can create your own bliss. No one knows what your needs, wants and desires are. You may have to pause and go internally to find the answers you actually need. To achieve your peace and calm, you need to create your space and environment using your own mindful wisdom.
Can you be more mindful of what can distract you? Can you be more mindful of what makes you feel negative? Can you be more mindful of your immediate environment? Change may need to occur from you to create a loving, nurturing space. You can be more mindful in your day to day with your thoughts, emotions and feelings. Maybe a shift in your mindset needs to occur. There are all these small things we can be more mindful of to create the right space for ourselves.
See what is going through your mind daily. We can have so many thoughts rushing through our mind that can overwhelm and stress us out. Can you be more mindful of your thoughts? Is there something you can do to prevent it from happening next time? If we can be more aware of what flows through our minds, we can start to catch ourselves in those negative ways and start redirecting those thoughts towards a better thought process. If we can control that, it's a step towards inner harmony.
If you feel like you've slumped in recent times, from your own personal self care routines, this card may be a gentle reminder to refocus on these practices. No one can work on this for you. To create your inner harmony, you need to do activities that will help you get there. Some people like to meditate, practice a hobby, read on a new topic... Whatever it may be, cater your day to include time for yourself to bring balance and harmony into your life.