Day 311 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - There is Always Another Desire...

Photo by Thomas William on Unsplash

Lesson 311: There is Always Another Desire...

There is always something.. another desire, another distraction, another thing to manifest. What would happen if we detached from having to control situations or attract things into our lives. What if we just surrendered to what the Divine gives us without having to ask for it at all? This creates space and allows us to be open. This essentially creates freedom. Today we are to forget what we are trying to create. We are to ask ourselves “what would you enjoy the most?” in the next hour and next few hours or even later today.

My Wednesday consisted of working a half day and having lunch with a friend, picking up mail, buying some earrings for myself and a friend, buying a spray to curb my cat’s anxiety, having a nap and then going to a movie with another friend. This all occurred before reading the lesson of the day. I wasn’t in a mood for creating. I definitely just let the day go on.  What it actually manifested was me walking past a place called “the music gym” which offers guitar, piano and singing lessons. I’ve been wanting to take singing lessons for some time and this place is right near my home. I felt like everything I did, whilst surrendering, led me to walk past this shop. I was just wanting to have a relaxed day with no pressure and something appeared on my path that I didn’t expect.

I think sometimes when you aren’t really thinking about something, but it’s been lingering in the back of your mind, the Universe just somehow manifests it for you. There’s a unique beauty in that.

What did you create without actually manifesting it?

Day 310 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - We Think We Are Only Creating...

Photo by Tyson Dudley on Unsplash

Lesson 310: We Think We Are Only Creating...

… when we are awake in the world. We can also create and manifest during our dreaming time. Today we are to think about what we dreamed of last night. If you can’t remember then close your eyes now and see what dream fills your mind.

Now I don’t remember what I dreamed of last night but I closed my eyes and just let what came. What I saw was that I was dancing around with a flower crown on my head in a field. Then the imagery changed to me doing ritual with a group out in some park or forest. There were trees in the background but I felt very comfortable in myself and where I was. What I really sensed was the feeling of freedom. The freedom was something I yearn for but don’t feel I have myself yet. The freedom I want is to be comfortable in showing who I am to the world as a witch. That people can be open to other forms of spirituality that isn’t a religion. That people are willing to be more open minded to who I am. I am putting myself out there more and more. I wear my crystals, Celtic rings and pentacle out and about now. I am creating my own way. I think it will become more acceptable. Maybe I just got to lead it for myself and for others.

What are some of your dreams?

Day 308 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - You Can Manifest a Mansion...

Lesson 308: You Can Manifest a Mansion...

You can manifest a mansion with your intention; you can manifest financial ruin. Again, what you manifest is not as important as why. The Universe always chooses your highest possibility: in other words, you get what you need, for soul growth.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to look at what we want and to make a list. From there, look at it with the perspective of soul growth and see if your list changes because of it.

I’m not really convinced you can manifest a mansion with intention – from the example above. I am not sure it’s that simple, even if you had the intention of just wanting a good roof over your head for yourself and your family. I understand having a good reason why, would allow the intent to follow through, but I just don’t see how every thing you want with good intention comes to fruition. Is it time that allows these things to manifest? I don’t know. Like right now for example, I want to manifest a brighter apartment with a balcony. It’s so clear in my mind of what I want. The reason I want it is so that I can more sunlight for myself and my cats. I feel like it would be more positive with all the sun shining through and I also don’t want to live in the current apartment I am in because of all the sounds I can hear through the walls. I think my cats would be less depressed if they have sun and a balcony to hang out on. Current set back is that I was made redundant so if I don’t find a job straight away, then it hinders my saving plan to have a bit of bank balance moving in between 2 apartments. Is it just a waiting game? And how long does one wait for things to manifest? Could it be years? I don’t really want to wait years for this particular manifestation because I’m not fully happy where I live now. I am grateful that I have a roof over my head, though there are problems presenting themselves in the building itself, which adds to me not wanting to live in this particular building.

Anyway……. My list:

·         I want a new apartment as mentioned

·         I want a job with stability

·         I want a life partner

·         I want a successful business so that I don’t have to work full time

·         I want the motivation to write the books in my head

·         I want more creativity in my life

·         I want a space to rent to create the art that I’m exploring

·         I want to make an impact on peoples live through my spiritual work

·         I want the concentration and focus to learn all I need to in this spiritual path


In terms of soul growth, I find that everything contributes to that besides the new apartment. Although, if I am in a space that is more comfortable for me, that will have impact on the other things in my life. I feel that everything impacts on each other just as a flow on effect. Just as a FYI, I wasn’t creative in my life previously. I feel like everything is coming out in my life now. A lot of what I want to do in life is a mixture of creativity and spirituality. It’s all in the process of becoming. I am just working on these things to happen. I feel like with my intention and hard work, these things will come.

Day 306 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - What Should You Manifest?

Photo by rashid khreiss on Unsplash

Lesson 306: What Should You Manifest?

The big question – what should you manifest? Does it really matter if you do nothing? Does it really matter if you try to manifest everything? In today’s lesson, we are being told that it’s all the same – whether you leave it up to the universe or you try and make it happen, it will come up in your path in it’s own time as part of your soul growth. We are to stop worrying if we are doing it right or wrong and to just let that notion go. We are asked to hold our heart of connection and remember as well as understand, that we are one of “One”. That’s all we need to remember today.

I mean when I am setting an intention with wanting to manifest something, I haven’t really asked for major things. I always want to have enough to eat and have a roof over my head. Basic things we need to live. I always want to have a job and be safe – just like anyone else really. I have asked for specific things and they have come in a timely manner, other times I don’t see results but then I think it’s all in Divine timing. I don’t actually worry if I’m manifesting things right or not. In fact, I just leave it up to the Divine. I know some things cannot be forced, so I don’t try so hard.

I understand that we are one of connection and that connection being “One”. If only everyone could understand this, then it would raise our vibration to a higher level. That would be so profound if that could occur. I can dream… but I can also do my part in trying to raise this vibration.

Day 304 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Understand How to Attract...

Photo by Maria Svecova on Unsplash

Lesson 304: When You Understand How to Attract...

When you understand how to “attract”, creating your earth life is simple. You simply request what you’d like, you put your attention there—and this thing arrives. And yet, this is just one way to live. If you were to choose to not consciously “attract,” you would attract anyway.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about how effective we are at “attracting”. Do you find great success in presenting your intention and manifesting what you want? Do you find that it fails and you don’t attract much of anything at all? What if you were to consider that the reason why things may not always manifest have nothing to do with you at all?

When I read over the paragraph above, I was agreeing and also disagreeing. I find that some things you can manifest into your life no problem – new friends, new experiences, some direction in life for instance. Other times I have found that I have had difficulty attracting things into my life – some good luck when things are low and a new romantic partner are some of my examples. I think you can attract things into your life without even trying. You can just go about your day, sometimes not even thinking and you’re just daydreaming all day, and things can fall into place. I think when I try too hard, things don’t come to me. I have never thought about it not having anything to do with me. Maybe it simply just needs to be divine timing. If I was being selfish, I wish there was someone telling me that it had nothing to do with me, then I would have some confirmation on it.

The biggest thing I haven’t been able to attract is a partner for life. People say it happens when you least expect it, but it’s been years of sometimes putting in effort and other times, just leaving it up to the Universe, and still nothing…. I don’t know if it’s the climate of social media and the applications that make casual sex a more common thing than ever before, but I just don’t know where to find a genuine person who wants a long-term relationship.  I would love to meet someone just out and about in my every day situations, but even that hasn’t worked. I am not sure what more I can do on this one. If I try, it hasn’t fallen into place. If I don’t try, it hasn’t fallen into place. It’s one of those things that I just may have to keep waiting. It’d be nice to know for how long though. Haha!

I think it may have something to do with just surrendering yourself to the Universe and let things happen? I’m not sure. I find some instances of manifesting so easy, where as the really important things aren’t so much. Maybe it’s all just a test? Maybe I just got to be me and anything I want in my life will appear in their own time. Maybe it’s just a lesson in patience.