Day 217 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - For Most of You, Less May...

Photo by Tom Ezzatkhah on Unsplash

Photo by Tom Ezzatkhah on Unsplash

Lesson 217: For Most of You, Less May...


….mean more. More Space, less distractions, more happiness, less stress, more simplicity, less clutter. Having less allows for more open space for a better environment. If we are more open, then this allows for more experiences. Today we need to think about if we need to live differently and if we need less. Do you see it as being set free?

I personally am trying to work towards a simpler life and simpler setting in my home. I want more space and less clutter in order to have a more open space for good energy to come. I thought I decluttered really well recently – I did get rid of a lot of clothing, items I didn’t use and makeup. I took some time off work just to be away from work but to also do another declutter. I am finding that I do not use that many items as I thought I would need and can go ever more so without certain items.

I also try not to buy anything I don’t need. The most I spend my money on besides the necessities is on things towards more enrichment like books and spirituality workshops. I just think anything that feeds your soul is good. I am just trying to minimise the material things like clothing, jewellery, make-up, perfume, shoes, bags etc. I think it will be another weight off my shoulders and will free my space up. It’s still a progress in my life but I am confident I will get to a point where I will feel comfortable and I expect that to be by the end of 2018.

I think we could all live with less and continue life without a problem. I think people over emphasise that having “things” makes your life better when it only provides that temporary happiness. What do you think?

Day 216 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - In This World, We Think..

Photo by Artur Rutkowski on Unsplash

Lesson 216: In This World, We Think..

….by having more, it grants us happiness and fulfilment. There is this group thought that by filling our world we stuff and a lot of it, it buys happiness. This is only temporary happiness at best. We know that by having more doesn’t necessarily makes us bigger and better. As we move our consciousness away from this group thought, we can think for ourselves about what actually is required to be happy.

As I step away from the thought that having more is better, I think about happiness in different ways. I think for me, it’s about my place in the world and how I can make a difference. There is an element of being self-less that will bring about happiness for me. I think about how can I help others so that they can live their best life, like how I am.

I think what is required to be happy is living in the present, living through experience, helping others, spreading good positive vibes, do what’s best for you and not what others think is best for you and leading by example. I think I want the best for people if they are still set in some group mentality of how success should look like. Everyone needs to be awakened in their own time. It doesn’t mean that those who are already awakened can’t help those that aren’t. What I have learned is not to force a way of thinking onto others, rather if I lead my life by example, then it sparks something in other people’s minds to think about their own lives.

I think the most important thing I get reminded of is to always live in the present. There is no point wondering if you could have changed the past or plan extensively for the future when you don’t know what could happen. I think bringing about awareness into the now allows a certain freedom to just live.

I certainly know for sure that material things do not give you happiness. That’s a lie that is fed to us and we continue to feed that thought by thinking material things equals success in life. Material things bring instant gratification that wears off. We then tend to look to the new thing that will bring that sense of gratification again. I used to live this way, though I have seen through this lie.

Everything I tend to do these days is taking on the perspective of what will this experience give me. Whether it’s hanging out with friends, going to see live music, going to a spiritual workshop… I look out for how it will bring me happiness. I think in everything we do, we can learn or experience. It’s what I make of that experience that brings about happiness and feeds my soul what it needs. It doesn’t have to be some grand outing, as even the simplest activities bring about joy.

So, what do you think brings about happiness and have you broken away from that group thought around having more equals happiness?

Day 215 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Many of You Will Get to Travel...

Photo by Andre Benz on Unsplash

Photo by Andre Benz on Unsplash

Lesson 215: Many of You Will Get to Travel...

For those that get to travel in this lifetime, it is a privilege and a gift. Not everyone is fortunate enough to do this. This doesn’t stop us from imagining what it would be like to travel. We can always imagine this in our mind’s eye. For those lucky enough to travel, do you find that you learn whilst on your trips? Do you find your perspective changed towards your own life? Today we are to think about the abundance we have at home through entertainment, food, water, clothing, money etc and drop away from this group mentality of scarcity.

When I travel I love seeing how other people live. In most Western countries, I have found that many people live just like how I do in Australia. I think the most life changing places I’ve seen is when I visited Thailand and Philippines. What was eye opening was that people are more happier even though they don’t necessarily have enough or have what I consider to be perks. I think what I valued most was the true sense of community in these countries and how even though people might not have the best of things (what we consider to be the best in the Western world), they have great support of each other.

Travelling to these countries, I take for granted such things like clean drinking water for instance. I take for granted that I can have a nice warm shower every day and when I visited A Thailand village, the water was cut off and I was told we may have to wait a day before it’s back on. It was being exposed to such circumstances that really open your eyes. It opened my eyes to the stupid shit I worry about, but also how much stupid shit this world can worry about. I think about all those girls missing out on Kylie Jenner’s lipstick and their world crumbling, when there are people out there cut off from a water supply. I needed this reality check to actually see how shit group mentality and group fear of scarcity is. We actually worry about the wrong things but we’re overwhelmingly force fed shit, that we just go along with it because we don’t know any better. It’s back to bringing about awareness in ourselves.

I have never in my life valued all the things I have as much as I do now. I pray for those that need help more than I do pretty much every other day of the week. I am more mindful of my place in the world and that I can make small changes to make a difference.

Day 214 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Scarcity in Many Parts of...

Photo by Julie Johnson on Unsplash

Photo by Julie Johnson on Unsplash

Lesson 214: The Scarcity in Many Parts of...

… the world is real. We in the western world are plagued by a construct of society that we are without when there is abundance all around us. It really poses the question of – what is enough? We have this misbelief that we don’t have everything we need in a group collective. Today we are to think about how we fit in the world and if it’s possible to detach from the group misconceptions that we are fed.

I used to live completely in a material world. I never used to think about my environmental impact. I never thought about what things I should be grateful for. I used to think that I couldn’t help people in my own way. This all changed one day when I had a spiritual awakening. It was building up to really open my eyes. I am awake and aware.

I think that I have detached from the group collective that we don’t have enough in our lives. I recognise now that I have plenty – I have food, a roof over my head, clothes to wear, running water and a job for financial stability. These are just a few of the things that I recognise not everyone has. I have so many blessings around me and I thank the Divine almost every day for all these things. I know that so many people in the world get caught up in their lives of materialism that they don’t even realise that it all doesn’t really matter. I used to get so caught up in needing to have all the latest trends, that I realised it only brings instant happiness which fades just as fast. It doesn’t really nourish the soul. We do all these things to impress people and what for?

I guess I will show people in time through my own example with the life I lead. I am not the type to force a certain way of living on anyone, so all I can do is detach from the group thought, live my own life and hope others can learn from me. I am still working on my minimalist life, but I have a mission to clear my space to accommodate this lifestyle. I realise I don’t need some of the things I have and I will donate them.

I think we need to stop thinking we don’t have enough when we got a lot more than what some people do. It’s about bringing it back into self to realise we have so much more than we think we do.

Day 213 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - You Feel the Energy of...

Photo by Jonathan Kho on Unsplash

Photo by Jonathan Kho on Unsplash

Lesson 213: You Feel the Energy of...

You feel the energy of scarcity even if you are in abundance. You feel this because you feel everything in the Universe, as vibration. What affects the one, affects the One.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about how we deal with the truth that there are so many beings on this planet that do not have enough like you and me. Is it something you ignore? Is it something you think about from time to time? Are there ways in which you make a difference?

I try to pray in my own way for always being grateful for my day and all the things I receive. I do think about those people suffering in various ways – whether it’s not having enough money, not having enough food, those that are unloved and abused. I do think from time to time how I can help or just be a better person.

Small things I personally do is not wasting food, take a vegetarian approach, be kind to others, donate money to charities and praying for those who are less fortunate than myself. I do want to volunteer but I have so much going on in my life towards my spiritualism, I feel like this is a future venture for me. I can stretch myself thin because I don’t think that would really help others, if I’m tired. I try to eat all the food I eat, because I shouldn’t waste food. I should only ever buy what I need. I want to eventually go vegan because I think eating meat, not only makes the animals suffer but isn’t a sustainable future. I try to be kind to all people because I shouldn’t judge them as I don’t know their story. I donate money to charities to do the work that I currently can’t volunteer to do myself. I pray because it’s a reminder to be grateful and look at the abundance in my life and take a moment to think about those that do suffer. There isn’t a day that goes by now where I’m not thinking about others in this way. I want my energy and positive thoughts to hopefully help someone else. I’d like to think when I pray for others, it actually feeds to someone in need.

There is that hard truth out there that we choose to ignore. Sometimes we get so caught up in life that we’re just blinded to the truth that other people out there are suffering. I think it comes back to self to be more aware of it and thinking about ways in which we can care.