/Photo by Eutah Mizushima on Unsplash
I love the sound of raining falling and connecting with the world outside. I forget how calm I feel when I am truly aware of it and just take a moment to listen. I remembered as I was doing one of my lessons for my 365 day challenge to just be aware. It's amazing the changes I am slowly making in my life from these lessons and I needed to be reminded to just appreciate the simple things.
I felt a bit of an overwhelm today. I feel like sometimes the perfectionist in me just wants things done with precision, and I wish things were just already done for me. I have to remember to appreciate the journey. When I'm wanting to get things done right here and now, it means I'm once again lacking the patience to enjoy. I don't want to overwhelm myself in this way but I continually do it. I'm glad I can take a moment to recognise it, that I'm self aware of this characteristic in me.
I will need to work on my timetable of activities. My goal list is quite extensive and I want to achieve as much as possible this year. I also want to be free spirited and do what I feel is right at the time, so there is this conflict of - be regimented or just go with the flow. Right now I'd prefer to just go with the flow. I have been documenting the activity I do on the day in a physical diary, just to feel a sense of achievement and it's working. I just don't want to neglect one area over another. My brain is a bit scattered now trying to figure it out.
So, back to the rain I go. I am currently aware of the cars passing by as I listen to the water swish through the tyres. I would like some more rain to fall so I can here the pitter patters outside. I want some calming feeling right now. No need to stress over minor things that will fall into place when they are supposed to. Bring on some water healing!